Exercise Everyday ....


Is exercising every day good or bad? I currently lift weights every other day and do a cardio workout every day .... Should I be having days off to rest???


  • I try to exercise 5 days a week occasionally 6.... you need at least 1 rest day for your body to recover and repair thats what I was told anyway :)
  • ByronJP
    ByronJP Posts: 67
    I as well am curious about this exact same question and am following a similar routine where i will do more cardio one day then the next, but i tend to do both every day thus far.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    You need to rest the muscle group you worked, if it was an intense workout. Light work doesn't require rest days.
    But it also depends how you are feeling and your fitness level. You can alternate doing upperbody and lowerbody for instance.
  • groversa
    groversa Posts: 450 Member
    I do everyday. I feel like if I take a day off, that will turn into 2 days..then 3..and so on. I just want to keep on track :) But if I am feeling really sore, I'll still work out, but I'll just go easy. Anything is better than nothing.
  • cbprimeaux
    cbprimeaux Posts: 1 Member
    I also exercise for 1 hour everyday. I feel like groversa said, if I take a day off, it will turn into 2 or more. I exercise very early in the morning and I feel like that is what gets my days going!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I do everyday, but one day a week is less intense, just yoga and walking and bike and such, no weights or high intensity cardio.
  • GymMum8
    GymMum8 Posts: 28
    I train 6 days a week. I do 6 weight training sessions. Then 3-4 cardio sessions- generally a walk/run. I like to have that one day I do nothing, just to chill and spend time with the family ( rest day is Sunday)

  • _reno_
    _reno_ Posts: 87 Member
    1) It is vital to learn to listen to your body. If it needs rest give it rest. This does not mean slacking / not pushing yourself. Go hard and allow recovery. A raise in Basil temperature, or resting heart rate (first thing in the morning) are good ways to spot over training. Also going backwards in progress, running slower than you did last week, feeling sluggish, heavy legs .... All mean you need to take it easy.
    2) A recovery day does not need to be an off day. Most of the time an easier activity will help you recover faster. Go golfing, walk the dogs, or play some tennis. Stretching and yoga are great ways to have a recovery day without breaking your routine.
    3) Some other things besides workout intensity factor in. If you are under a lot of stress from work, finances, familly... you are more prone to overtraining. If you are sick you are more prone to overtraining.
    5) make sure you are getting plenty of sleep every night (this is vital to recovery)
    4) Occasionally take a longer rest (Do an easy week every 4-6 weeks). This will allow full recuperation.
  • Wow! Thanks guys for all that advice, so much good advice there! Think I'll do 6 days and have a real gentle day on the 7th. One of the reasons I asked as well was that I read if you workout everyday the body gets used to it and thus exercise starts to become less beneficial! ... How true that is I don't know