
emma1488 Posts: 175
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Y'all,

Just discovered this program this morning and been using all day (so far so good). Hope it works, i need it to to get to my goal weight lose of 7 kg!!


  • I'm a newbie too ~ hope this helps me! I've also downloaded free app to my iphone
  • Hi! i juat signed up right now!
    I have never counted calories before so hopefully this helps:wink:
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Welcome...3 newbies...this is a great place.

    Keep doing the do!
  • KalB
    KalB Posts: 42
    Awsone three new people I would say add friends they help keep you honest and on your goal and everyone on here is very very sweet. You can add me if you like but enjoy the site its great
  • pzzy4c
    pzzy4c Posts: 3
    Hi, I joined about a week ago and I love the ease of the sight and the tools that are available to help me track my food and excercise. Updating the site on a daily basis has made me be more aware of what and how much I'm eating. Never tought I'd be a label reader - LOL!
  • emma1488
    emma1488 Posts: 175
    I found this on my iPhone as an app before i came on here...its so handy just being able to have it in your bag or pocket and just record it!...I'm just hoping i don't get too obsessed with it and use it as another distraction from study:S
  • emma1488
    emma1488 Posts: 175
    Add me as a friend:) i want friends and motivators!
  • runner456
    runner456 Posts: 5 Member
    All I can say...it works! Been here since January and reached my goal and am now using it to maintain....I find I don't mindlessly eat anymore and it's easier to stay on track with the exercise, it's so worth it!!
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