Fat free dinner?

Ideas, please! I'm trying hard to be good, but it's so easy to make pasta ... and cover everything cheese (delicious, delicious cheese) ...


  • Sweet potatoes! there is nothing tastier and easier to make.
  • vacherin
    vacherin Posts: 192
    Hi Emily

    To be honest, I think a totally fat-free dinner is impossible to make, unless you just ate boiled sweets or fruit (and would be completely horrible as well). I think you can still have your cheese. In fact, I'd say the pasta had more potential for causing problems than the cheese ...

  • emilykg12
    emilykg12 Posts: 119
    Hi Emily

    To be honest, I think a totally fat-free dinner is impossible to make, unless you just ate boiled sweets or fruit (and would be completely horrible as well). I think you can still have your cheese. In fact, I'd say the pasta had more potential for causing problems than the cheese ...


    That's what I'm saying! Everything that's easy is bad. I mostly just had a tiny moment when I realized that I ate so much fat at breakfast. What can you do, I guess!
  • sanura
    sanura Posts: 459 Member
    I've been doing some research for my dad who has heart disease and diabetes, a great site I found is www.lowfatveganchef.com