lots to lose

xojox Posts: 187 Member
i have a LOT to lose - i'm talking 80 lbs:cry:
is there any1 out there who'd like to b friends because i'm really struggling. I have a few very supportive members on here but i like to look for others for inspiration. it spurs me on xx


  • seventeenlucky77
    seventeenlucky77 Posts: 92 Member
    I have alot too lose too. I would really like to take 90 pounds off. I'm starting small... I want to be down 10 pounds by May 16. I think actually being able to see what I'm eating and my calorie and fat intake is going to help tons plus being able to track my weekly exercise. I'm right there with you in needing support.
  • imsuzanne
    I'm starting my journey today, too. My goal is 80 pounds. I figure we didn't put it all on at once, so it's going to take some time to get it all off. :smile:
  • kajaknowers
    kajaknowers Posts: 113 Member
    My goal is 80 lbs and that was at the beginning of the year...I'm 34lbs down already in only 3 months.....its totally possible regardless of whats going on in your life.....if you struggle....vent about it on here.....it really helps me x
  • nimuexox
    nimuexox Posts: 1
    I am starting today as well and I have 36kgs to loose (approx 80 lbs) I am hoping to loose at least a stone (14lbs) by 16th May. It would be great if we can support each other


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  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    I started back again about a week and a half ago, and I wish I had only 80lbs to lose lol. I have 129 lbs to lose and could use some company along the way as well. I have been watching for a new group to start but haven't seen any so far. We can do this!
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    You can do it. Just count your calories, eat properly and exercise. I have lost 95lbs since I started in Nov 2008. Its alot of hard work but you can do it. Plus there's alot of support you can get on this site. Just take one day at a time. You wil get to your goal.
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    You can do it!! It's been 7 months for me and I'm just a little over half way there, 82 lbs down.

    Try and stay consistent and remember that everyone trips up. I used to plan for a cheat item every day. The key is to make it small. If you're going to cheat and have a donut don't have a dozen. :-)

    Once you've truly decided to change your lifestyle in your heart, all it takes is for time to catch up to the new you. You WILL be 80 lbs down and at your goal weight and you WILL be healthier. If it takes 6 months or 26 months, you WILL get there.

    Don't stress over plateaus or what the scale says. Do the right thing, i.e. exercise, eating right, and counting your calories, and the plateaus, and scale will take care of themselves.

    Each day is a new chance to succeed.
  • tutujoli
    tutujoli Posts: 104 Member
    I'm with ya. I'm just getting going (just starting week 4 or so here) and had almost exactly 100 lbs to lose when I started. It feels like a big number, but I know it will go faster than I think it will. lol
  • xojox
    xojox Posts: 187 Member
    thanks all!! i have had some lovely friend requests from this and some of your weight losses are amazin!!
    so glad i found this site, best thing i've found for doin it yourself but still getting support xx
  • Kristenmickel
    Eating a healthy diet is of key importance to your weight-loss success. The same can be said for a regular exercise program. Losing weight isn't a mysterious process. It's a simple matter of burning more calories than you eat. By doing some routine exercise and making diet plan you can achieve your target. You can also use Acai berries for losing weight. Acai berries are the safe and natural way to lose weight. It also help in maintaining your weight.
  • kellz510
    kellz510 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi, I have 84lbs to lose in total. I started my journey on 25th Jan 2010 and have managed to lose 21.6lbs so far. I have been using MFP to count my calories and I joined the gym 3weeks ago where i go 3 times a week.
    Feel free to add me as support is key on our journey :smile:
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Set mini goals for yourself and give yourself a reward when you meet them. Just be patient. You'll be so glad you joined. :)