Time to actually log....

I've had this installed on my phone for about a year, but have never really used it. Like everyone else, I'm after losing a few pounds...however, I'm doing if for my overall health. I'm 39yo, 5'7" and 180lbs. That makes me a bit overweight, but what I'm really after is lowering my blood pressure (without medications). I've kept calories in my head and tried to stick to a basic intake, but now it is time to actually log! My goal is a minimum of 30min exercise 4 times a week with a net daily calorie intake of around 1500. I'm fairly sedentary when at home so this amount is a good "intro" goal. This doesn't mean that there won't be a day here or there that I exceed my calorie intake (afterall I'm only human!), but it does mean that when I do have a higher calorie day.....those calories will have been thought out and not just "mindless".

What is important is lowering my blood pressure so that my wife and three children will have me around longer!

Anyway, hello community!



  • rjpkrp
    rjpkrp Posts: 4 Member
  • Runs4Pasta
    Runs4Pasta Posts: 28 Member
    ha ha :-)
  • a_certain_shade_of_green
    haha, air shot!

    welcome mate, all the best trying to get yourself sorted!
  • Jackie0710
    Howdy RJP! I am here this year for the exact same reason. Unfortunately I am 26 with high blood pressure that has not went away since giving birth to my 2nd son. I have a huge goal ahead of me, but hoping to tackle it a little at a time throughout the year! Welcome!
  • kyricus
    kyricus Posts: 69 Member
    I can't think of a better reason to lower your blood pressure than your wife and kids! Though my x-wife raised mine, but I digress :)

    Welcome aboard!
  • rjpkrp
    rjpkrp Posts: 4 Member
    Unfortunately, I tend to be a bit "high strung"....except at work, go figure! I did start my exercising at the beginning of December, and I don't think I've had a caffeinated drink since sometime in October! I have noticed a bit of a drop in BP (I had a physical in Dec) but am looking for a bit more of a drop in both numbers. My family deserves better!

    I figure that I could stand to lose about 20-25lbs. The BMI charts say that my weight should be around 150 for my height, but I feel that is a bit light! I would settle for a solid 160 (as opposed to a soft 160!). I also figure that losing 20ish lbs can do nothing but help my BP...especially if I back it up with the exercise that I lacked in my routine up until now!

    Thank you all for the welcome to the community.