just tired of it

after a horrible 2012, i think it is time to make that change. the problem is i have said this a million times and always let laziness and self destruction take over. i will take another crack at this. hopefully i will make a dent. hope to you guys at the finish line.


  • c_buck88
    Good luck man, I know how you feel...
  • bruce1up
    thanks man.
  • jnp96
    jnp96 Posts: 163
    We have to keep trying. Eventually we will succeed.
  • Cowgirl_Jody
    Cowgirl_Jody Posts: 25 Member
    Good luck, this is our year, we can do this!!!
  • LoCascio65
    LoCascio65 Posts: 11 Member
    Good luck and don't forget your not the only one who has felt like that. I always get to discouraged to fast and give up. If I don't see results with in a week I get upset and quit. I am not going to quit this time and let myself get caught up in discouragement. Like my husband told me tonight, it will take time... It's hard work but in the end I believe the hard work will pay off.:smile:
  • curt40
    curt40 Posts: 137 Member
    I had a really crazy 2012 too, but 2013 is a new year, and I'm very excited to get in shape. This will be fun!
  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    :flowerforyou: we all get like that at times but you have to remember what your original goal was & keep it written on the fridge door, the bathroom mirrow, whatever it takes to keep you motivated! pictures of yourself before & after. also do not forget your friends here at mfp. when you get down like now reach out to us for a little pick me up session. that is what this is all about!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    Don't give up... even if you are only on 'track' 3 days of 7, over a course of the year that is alot of days...
    Just aim for 7 and when you slip, start fresh the next day.

    I have had plenty of falls off the wagon, but I find myself here....

    You can do it.
  • smrtcar
    smrtcar Posts: 104 Member
    You only fail when you surrender. Never surrender!
  • bricktowngal
    I kn how you feel. I did the same thing. I was on a roll lost about 35 lbs then lost interest and gained a lot of it back. But I'm back and I'm going to try it again.:wink:
  • 2chopsticks
    2chopsticks Posts: 1 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. You are interested in either losing weight or getting fit or else you wouldn't be here. It takes a while to form a habit but you can do it.:smile:
  • Louiseisme
    Good Luck, The right mindset is the biggest challenge I have found in weightloss. YOU have to be ready for the change, not for someone else, only for YOU. Once you get this nothing can stand in your way. Set small incremental goals and have a good support system like MFP to stand by you, you may stumble along the way, brush yourself off and continue on (we are only human). Strive for the end goal. You may have obsticals along the way, they will only make you better. I have tried diets before, nothing I have ever stuck with or worked in the long run. This time it is for me and to better myself. A LIFESTYLE CHANGE, not a diet. I have been living it for almost a year and I am down 100 lbs, I still go out with friends and I don't let their food choices or comments deter me from my choices. Feel free to friend me if you like, You can do this, Be Strong.
  • Natasha28
    Just take small steps. Makes it easier for some people, I believe. For example, I started out with this rule: NO Mcdonalds, Period. I didn't really miss it. I actually hated McDonald's, but it was so easy to stop at when I was busy. Then, a bit later, I picked something else. Like drink more than 1 cup of water a day. It ALL adds up eventually. Next thing you know, you will be on your way. And eventually...exercising will make you feel like Mighty Mouse...like you are the strongest, most powerful...maybe even sexiest, person around...even if you don't look like it. lol. And eventually, you won't want to stop working out, and you won't want that bad food. Just do small things every so often, without regressing back to the bad habit. It's not JUST about looking good...it's about being healthy as well. Don't go at such a snails pace that you don't see any benefit of course either. Good luck!
  • bruce1up
    wow, the flood of replies is amazing. thanks all. ill keep anyone posted how cares to know how its going.
  • emmyelleNYC
    emmyelleNYC Posts: 27 Member
    There's great support on this site! I found that once I started adding "friends" from the site, especially those with similar goals and lifestyles, that it helped me stay on track and more accountable for my slip-ups (although I have been sick and off-track lately). Best of luck!!!
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    You can do this. As others have said it's a process. Don't beat yourself up for slipping and decide to give up just because you messed up. Pick yourself up and dust yourself off.

    I began the process a year ago and lost 50 lbs. In October, I lost my job and started a downward spiral. I quit counting calories and quit exercising. I only gained like 9 lbs back in 3 months, but it was still enough that I noticed my body changing back to what it was. So, I am back to counting calories and walking. Going to add weight lifting in, and get back to running as soon as the snow and ice go away.

    Sending you a friend request to help encourage you along the way and cheer for you.