New Year's Resolution

Hey everyone! My name is Ashley and I'm 24 years old. There's no doubt that I have to make a lot of changes in 2013! I am a single mother of an amazing little boy <3. He's shown and taught me so much in two years and I can't imagine life without him!! He gives me a lot of motivation to get myself together. I always think to myself that being overweight isn't healthy necessary. I want to have an amazing body and feel great about it! I want to kick the habit of smoking cigarettes too. It's a disgusting habit and far too expensive for me. I think it's funny that I've known this stuff for a while and I haven't been doing anything about it. In 2013, I'm taking charge and gaining self control and confidence! I have to make it cliché and say 2013 - New Year, new ME!

My New Year's resolution is to lose 40 pounds, get lean and fit, and quit smoking cigarettes. I feel like motivation and support will help me and others. I did the same thing around the same time last year. I was losing a lot of weight then started a new job and gained 18 pounds back! Ugh, stupid food.

I've started Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and I'm eager to complete it - I'm also putting myself on a 1200 calorie diet with healthier foods. Plus I have an 8 week supply of nicotine patches to quit smoking. I feel like I have everything I need to reach my goals! I'm going to stay positive that I can stick to this!

Any of you relate? What are your New Year's resolutions? Good luck :)


  • mrso97
    mrso97 Posts: 147 Member
    i dont make new years resolutions....i did, however decide in october 2012 that i was done being out of shape...i had quit smoking a year earlier and after months of neglect managed to gain 35lbs...i started eating healthy and exercising...2013 is going to be my year of fitness. ..i will be running my first ever race (10k) in march and have been doing a minimum of 90 mins of cardio every day! your energy is admirable...good luck to you! happy new year!
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    Good luck on your Resolution! I hope to get back on the eating healthy /exercising wagon as i have gone off for the last few months. But more importantly i would love to find a balance between work and my personal life. Work has took such a toll on me recently that i have forgot to care for myself. So mainly be happy and healthy in 2013!
  • LowcarbNY
    LowcarbNY Posts: 546 Member
    What are your New Year's resolutions? Good luck :)

    I resolve to keep being perfect, or at least trying to be :wink:

    Having a plan is very good, but resolutions alone don't do much for me and can actually be counter productive ( for weight loss it is better to do what is right for you than to just focus on a number on the scale)
  • annams76
    annams76 Posts: 161 Member
    I quit smoking in 2008 and I smoked for 16 yrs at the time. I tried everything, chantix (works great), the patch, random medicines, the gum (disgusting). None of them worked. I woke up one morning and I actually just didn't want to anymore. That was April 9, 2008 and I threw away a full pack of cigarettes and have not touched them since. I was also always in the gym and got into the best shape of my life. I was healthy and confident and felt amazing!! Set your goals, believe in yourself and fight through set backs and/or plateaus. Those only make you stronger. Good luck.
  • I've always wanted to do a 10K as well. Thanks for your encouragement. Wishing you the best of luck on your weight loss journey!
  • I quit smoking in 2008 and I smoked for 16 yrs at the time. I tried everything, chantix (works great), the patch, random medicines, the gum (disgusting). None of them worked. I woke up one morning and I actually just didn't want to anymore. That was April 9, 2008 and I threw away a full pack of cigarettes and have not touched them since. I was also always in the gym and got into the best shape of my life. I was healthy and confident and felt amazing!! Set your goals, believe in yourself and fight through set backs and/or plateaus. Those only make you stronger. Good luck.

    I admire everyone that is able to quit cold turkey. Thanks for your encouragement!!
  • I am 20 years old. While I don't smoke nor have I ever. I can relate to you Ashley. I currently weigh 152 pounds. I have gained 21 pounds in a year. I am looking at losing 46 pounds this year. I want to get to 106. It is a lot but this is my new year resolution for my health. I am looking to be healthier, skinny, and sexy for my bikini. While I know it will be hard I am looking for support from family and friends. It sounds like you know what you want, I know you can DO IT! GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE THIS YEAR! Hope to see everyone get what they want!