School is Doom for weight loss : (

In preparation for school starting next week...Does anyone work 1 full time job, 1 part time internship, and go to school at least 14 hours a week??? If so, how do you make time to workout?

Right now I been doing fine working out for at least an hour a day. I'm afraid when school starts back Monday, I won't be able to keep up my workout schedule.

I have to work, I have to do my internship, but I also have to workout and find time to study in a PhD program. HEEELLLLLPPPPP!!!!!!!!!


  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Working out is not required for weight loss. Strictly monitor your calorie intake and you will lose weight just fine. If you don't have time to work out, you don't.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Any way you can work your exercise into your schedule? For example, you could bike to work and school instead of taking the bus. Or you could exercise on your study breaks (put a song on the laptop and dance, go for a short walk, etc.).
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Working out is not required for weight loss. Strictly monitor your calorie intake and you will lose weight just fine. If you don't have time to work out, you don't.

  • Alyssa__Lauren
    Alyssa__Lauren Posts: 148 Member
    School really is doom for weight loss :( I was a stick until I started college and realized that I could eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted...instead of the Freshman 15 I gained the Freshman 40. My weight has been up and down ever since.

    But I agree with purpleipod! Just think about what you're eating and monitor your calories and if you have an extra 20-30 minutes during the day...hit the gym, go for a walk/run outside, or do an exercise video from YouTube!! Good luck :)
  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member
    My daughter is a sophomore and does just this and has a boyfriend...if she can do it then YOU can too. don't make excuses...get up earlier and stay up later OR squeeze it in whenever you can. Don't dramatize it , just do it - 30 minutes here and there is what matters.:wink:
  • x311Tifa
    x311Tifa Posts: 357 Member
    Ok, I am no where NEAR your amount of busy-ness, but what is you sleep schedule like and what hours do full time and part time count for you as? Like full time is 35-40? And part-time is 15-20?

    I worked 36ish hours a week and went to school for 15 credits, all upperlevel (300s), worked out usually right after work (gym was right next to work) or right after school if I had off, that or if I had a break between classes (I didn't this semester, but in the past), I would walk around campus for a bit. If you fo to a campus school (not online), check and see if they have a free gym. Mine does and it's a quick way to get a short workout in without going any further than I have to.

    I have a friend who is in med school who does sit ups while she does flashcards with her roomie. That's an idea, plus the typical read/study while on a machine (treadmill, elliptical, etc).
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    I am a graduate student writing my dissertation, teaching three times a week and working a part time retail job. You CAN find time. It just has to be done on a week by week basis. It's about being flexible and realizing that your workout schedule is going to change. It's fact. So what you have to do is pull out a planner, or google calendar, or whatever and schedule time. Look for the free pockets in your day and just use those as times to get in a 45 min workout.

    As for food, I find that taking one day (the day you have off, if any) and cooking up a bunch of healthy food for the week is the best option.

    You can DEFINITELY do this. It's about being flexible, creative and organized (and you are WORTH IT!) with your time. Don't have enough time to get to the gym? Walk around campus and do short bursts of exercise (like squats). Walk around campus and make it a point to walk up stairs in your free time. Be active even if you can't schedule in a formal workout.

    xoxo, Allison
  • Mamapengu
    Mamapengu Posts: 250
    Working out is not required for weight loss. Strictly monitor your calorie intake and you will lose weight just fine. If you don't have time to work out, you don't.

    This is true.

    That being said, you may feel better if you can work out, even just a little, a few times a week. I work, have a family, and was back in school last year and trained for a marathon. How? Put it on the schedule. Read school books or listen to lectures while on the treadmill or walking. Create a 10 minute CORE workout to do between other activities. It was even easier when there was someone for me to meet for my workouts (free therapy while you exercise and socialize!) Plan weekend hikes, take the stairs, park on the far end of the parking lot...
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Working out is not required for weight loss. Strictly monitor your calorie intake and you will lose weight just fine. If you don't have time to work out, you don't.

    Lift weights twice a week. 45 minutes. It's really the best use of time.
  • Most def NOT making excuses...I've been a sophomore in undergrad before, and it doesn't come close to the amount of time required to succeed in a Doctoral program. Just looking for some realistic non judgmental suggestions. Also, I don't have a boyfriend, but I do have a husband.
  • My daughter is a sophomore and does just this and has a boyfriend...if she can do it then YOU can too. don't make excuses...get up earlier and stay up later OR squeeze it in whenever you can. Don't dramatize it , just do it - 30 minutes here and there is what matters.:wink:

    Most def NOT making excuses...I've been a sophomore in undergrad before, and it doesn't come close to the amount of time required to succeed in a Doctoral program. Just looking for some realistic non judgmental suggestions. Also, I don't have a boyfriend, but I do have a husband.
  • I am a graduate student writing my dissertation, teaching three times a week and working a part time retail job. You CAN find time. It just has to be done on a week by week basis. It's about being flexible and realizing that your workout schedule is going to change. It's fact. So what you have to do is pull out a planner, or google calendar, or whatever and schedule time. Look for the free pockets in your day and just use those as times to get in a 45 min workout.

    As for food, I find that taking one day (the day you have off, if any) and cooking up a bunch of healthy food for the week is the best option.

    You can DEFINITELY do this. It's about being flexible, creative and organized (and you are WORTH IT!) with your time. Don't have enough time to get to the gym? Walk around campus and do short bursts of exercise (like squats). Walk around campus and make it a point to walk up stairs in your free time. Be active even if you can't schedule in a formal workout.

    xoxo, Allison

    Thanks! I'm really only in class for about 6 hours a week, but I have to drive 2 hours to get to campus and back home. I usually leave straight from my day job headed to school. I'm hoping to come up with some travel friendly food. This degree comes with soooo many sacrifices.
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    I am a graduate student writing my dissertation, teaching three times a week and working a part time retail job. You CAN find time. It just has to be done on a week by week basis. It's about being flexible and realizing that your workout schedule is going to change. It's fact. So what you have to do is pull out a planner, or google calendar, or whatever and schedule time. Look for the free pockets in your day and just use those as times to get in a 45 min workout.

    As for food, I find that taking one day (the day you have off, if any) and cooking up a bunch of healthy food for the week is the best option.

    You can DEFINITELY do this. It's about being flexible, creative and organized (and you are WORTH IT!) with your time. Don't have enough time to get to the gym? Walk around campus and do short bursts of exercise (like squats). Walk around campus and make it a point to walk up stairs in your free time. Be active even if you can't schedule in a formal workout.

    xoxo, Allison

    Thanks! I'm really only in class for about 6 hours a week, but I have to drive 2 hours to get to campus and back home. I usually leave straight from my day job headed to school. I'm hoping to come up with some travel friendly food. This degree comes with soooo many sacrifices.

    Yes, it can get overwhelming, BUT (and, unfortunately, I say this from experience and the reason that I've been trying to lose weight for the last three years) if you let those things take over and put yourself last, you will have more weight to lose. I know this all too well. Before I started my doctoral program, I was at a healthy weight. Three years later, I had 40lbs to lose (and it's taken me three years to lose about twenty of those). Not good! Don't follow my example! :-) Something I like to do is to make my snacks and pre-bag them so they're ready to go. Bring your ipod to campus with you and walk around. Someone earlier suggested making 10 minute workouts. Do that! Do ten-fifteen minutes of things like crunches and push-ups before you leave for work, walk around campus while you're there when you have some free time, and then do a short workout when you get home before dinner.

    You can totally do this! Feel free to friend me-- I'm happy to help another busy lady stay in shape! :-)