Help me break the sugar habit!

So I've always known sugar is an issue for me. But using MFP really brings it to attention. I go WAY over my recommended sugar allotment every day. MFP says I should have 32g of sugar a day. Today I'm already at 116. Yesterday I ended the day at 106. The day before I was at 112. While I don't want to totally give up sweets, I need to get this under control!

I'm not overweight, but I'm trying to lose those pesky last 5 to 10 pounds to get into bikini shape. I feel that eating healthier (esp. eating less sugar) will help.

Please give me ideas of healthy, filling, low or no sugar snacks that I can eat during the day. I sit at a desk all day, get crazy bored, and tend to snack a lot. I do drink a lot of water, but I still always have the urge to munch to help make the day go by. I know, another habit I need to stop, but I'd like to break the sugar habit first.

Last year I quit drinking Diet Soda for good (I've never drank real soda). So I know I can get over this bad habit, too, with some support and suggestions.



  • I wish there was some help for this. I also work at a desk and snack all day! Sugar is my enemy but I love it so much!
    I do know that if I was consuming less I would be closer to my goals
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Nuts and seeds. There are a ton of threads on the same subject BTW, would be worth searching.
  • I go way over on my sugar too! Usually it is at least double as much as MFP recommends! I am not that overweight right now, but I am worried that I will develop diabetes as members of my family have it and I'm worried that I'll get it over time if I keep eating this much sugar. The thing is, my dad drilled into my head growing up that aspartame is a carcinogen and never to consume it if I can help it! I am afraid to drink or eat "diet" foods as I am worried they will do more harm than good. I just have to learn how to snack on healthier, less sugary foods, without relying on sugar substitutes. Please help! (Feel free to add me as well - I am looking for more friends). Thank you!
  • pbraaksma
    pbraaksma Posts: 1 Member
    I recently found "Slimtevia" by Jim Healthy. I don't have diabetes, YET, but ALL of my family has it, so I am trying to watch my extra/added sugars. I too LOVE sugar and after trying several sugar "substitutes", I think this is the ONE!!!
  • JHart0816
    JHart0816 Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies! I guess I just need to pay attention to the amount of added sugar in products. I want to try to eat less processed stuff and hopefully that will help. I am going to stock up on some healthy snacks this weekend that I can load my lunch bag with. Hopefully I can turn these cravings around!
  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    sugar free jello or pudding with whip cream mmm
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member

    I have a weakness for sugar too, especially chocolate. The way I deal with it is by allowing myself to have it, but in measured doses. For example, after lunch every day, I have 1 dark chocolate covered almond. I work with my husband, and he keeps them in his office and gives me one after lunch every day. In the evening, I put 6 dark chocolate Quadratini wafers in a bowl, and that is my desert. 140 calories. Works for me.

    Good luck!
  • Shelly_here
    Shelly_here Posts: 44 Member
    I have massive issues with sugar... I've started eating alot of fruit and other "healthier" low calorie choices but obviously these are absolutely chocca in sugar! xx
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    The MFP setting for sugar is pretty low. I think one or two pieces of fruit pushes me over, so I don't worry about it too much. I used to be really addicted to sweets and really the only thing that helped was to stop eating them. I drank diet soda all the time and stopped, and that seemed to help me not have as many cravings, but I see that you already stopped drinking it. Maybe for two weeks or so you can make sure not to eat anything that's blatantly sugary (candy, sweets, etc.) but still eat fruit and non-sweets like you normally would. It should really reduce your cravings.

    As for snacks at work, I eat small meals all day and I make sure to pack everything. The usuals are greek yogurt, oatmeal, light string cheese, ham or turkey rollups, almonds, fruit (berries are typically the least sugary/carby fruit), tuna packets, light soups and salads. You can do this!
  • So I've always known sugar is an issue for me. But using MFP really brings it to attention. I go WAY over my recommended sugar allotment every day. MFP says I should have 32g of sugar a day. Today I'm already at 116. Yesterday I ended the day at 106. The day before I was at 112. While I don't want to totally give up sweets, I need to get this under control!

    I'm not overweight, but I'm trying to lose those pesky last 5 to 10 pounds to get into bikini shape. I feel that eating healthier (esp. eating less sugar) will help.

    Please give me ideas of healthy, filling, low or no sugar snacks that I can eat during the day. I sit at a desk all day, get crazy bored, and tend to snack a lot. I do drink a lot of water, but I still always have the urge to munch to help make the day go by. I know, another habit I need to stop, but I'd like to break the sugar habit first.

    Last year I quit drinking Diet Soda for good (I've never drank real soda). So I know I can get over this bad habit, too, with some support and suggestions.


    Just try cutting back. My biggest issues is sugar as well. You either have to cut it back little by little or cold turkey. Is chocolate your biggest vice? If so, just limit it to chocolate and get rid of all the other "candy". KEEP THE FRUIT tho...the natural sugars arent as bad for you and the vitamins and minerals in fruit are helpful. Yogurt is another good snack that may have higher sugar but, again, yogurt is pretty good for you. Sugar being high, as long as it isnt a problem for you, isnt necessarily a bad is the TYPE of sugar that you intake.

    GOOD LUCK!!!
  • cecyvaquero
    cecyvaquero Posts: 154 Member
    My guess would be to eat vegetables instead of sweets. I never really noticed how much my sugar is but now that you mention it I am going to check right now.