hello,holiday and girly sauna weekend,need to tone up

and am stopping smoking next tuesday,and drink too much wine....hello :-)


  • DJMartins
    On 1st jan I stopped smoking and stared on MFP. I have not had a cigarette, I count calories and run on the treadmill twice a day ( more to take my mind off things)
    I feel fantastic, no really, I do and it's only day 4. You can do it
  • WelshMaid
    I've tried so many times,and i know i will be 'grazing' on the snacks and sweets when i stop,so i've joined here in advance,well done on the not having a ciggy :-)
  • lamouri
  • gimmegimmemoar
    gimmegimmemoar Posts: 213 Member
    I am in the same position! Just quit and have been on a health kick.. Need to be happy and healthy again!!! Feel free to add :)
  • duranielisa
    if i can give up chocolate you can give up that!! go on, dare ya
  • Anthony110101111110001101
    Good luck to you all. I quit some 8 years ago, wish I sorted out my weight then too but oh well, can't be too smart! Rest assured that the cravings do go and it does get easier.