High carbers say HI!!! :D

Hey guys and gals :)
I was wondering if anyone else was on a raw food or 80-100%raw food vegan or similar diet? Diet may not be the right word to use more like lifestyle maybe??
Today is officially my second day committing to the lifestyle which is mainly a high carb and low fat diet. I know it's meant to be high carb and you're mean to obviously reach your calorie goal but when my carbs go into the red I can't help but to panic and restrict a little also my calories never fully reach 1200 a day, not by choice most of the time but I will admit that i do struggle eating in front of people so I will most likely not until I'm on my own.
I'm just looking for some support on and with this lifestyle if you or anyone is similar :) I'm going to add in nuts and Chia seeds so hopefully by the start/end of next week I will be 100% raw :) once I get them in I'm going to replace my morning oats (when they are finished of course..can't waste money being a student lol) with 9 almond nuts chopped, 1 level tablespoon of chia seeds with two bananas one mashed up and the other chopped. :) What do you think? You can check out my diary for today and yesterday to evaluate if you wish :)
Please add me also with a little message because I LOVE TO SUPPORT AND GET SUPPORT ON THIS JOURNEY :D
Thank you in advance and much love hugs and smooches <3


  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Your diet is very unhealthy because firstly you need protein for your muscles (your heart is a muscle too remember) and you are eating very small amounts of it. Also you need to eat more in total than just the 900 calories you eat approx most of the time. 1200 is even very low for a lot of people. Do some research before you do damage to your health.
  • feathertouch
    feathertouch Posts: 156 Member
    Your diet is very unhealthy because firstly you need protein for your muscles (your heart is a muscle too remember) and you are eating very small amounts of it. Also you need to eat more in total than just the 900 calories you eat approx most of the time. 1200 is even very low for a lot of people. Do some research before you do damage to your health.

    Any ideas on how to up my protein? I get protein from plants, I am vegan and do not wish to consume animal products or things made with animal products. You should check out the banana girl and drurianrider on youtube, they are fantastic :)
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Sorry but I eat meat so can't help with the vegan diet.
  • ShannonECTD
    ShannonECTD Posts: 203 Member

    Durianrider and the bananagirl are a joke, i can't take anything they have to say seriously cos they are so condescending and rude.

    My mom lost 70+lbs being RAW. She took more from David Wolfe and Alyssa Cohen then anyone else, she ate what she wanted when she wanted. Lots of healthy fats, avocado smoothies puddings, raw brownies made from dates, nuts and coconut oil and raw cacao. Along with lots of greens and salads and making Raw dips and dehydrated crackers.

    There are so many delicious raw foods out there that you can make that you miss out on if you are predominantly eating fruit...
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Try Quinoa, beans and lentils for protein. Although not sure about whether you can have those on a raw diet? Maybe just go do a search of the groups to see if you can find some like-minded people.

    I just wanted to say that if it's bothering you to see your carbs go into the red you can go in and adjust your macros manually so that you have a higher carb allowance. Go to Goals, click on adjust manually, and then just change your carbs percentage up and your fat percentage down. Good luck.
  • feathertouch
    feathertouch Posts: 156 Member
    I actually eat more veg than fruit during my days, I love raw veg. I have lentils in the kitchen and found a new love for dates, going to look up those guys that your mum followed and see what they say. I'm just interested in trying new things.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,020 Member
    You look tall and weight 113 lbs and say you hate your body and want to lose more. Too me this is a red flag. Half of all people with eating disorders have admitted to a vegan diet, this may not be the case with you, but I would reevaluate your position regarding body image and eat more than 800 calories.
  • nikiwoofter
    I am on a low fat liquid diet and am eating (or should i say drinking) 2 meals a day with green smoothies. i choose to eat a sensible dinner at nite w/ my family which is comprised of low fat choices. i am doing this for stomach digestive reasons and am hoping a positive side benefit will be weight loss. I am not a vegan and i love meat...lol...but beef is not low fat. I am going to be looking in to some other options like venison and buffalo as well as low fat fish options and chicken.

    Anyway, i totally know what you mean w/ the carbs spiking on MFP. i freak out when it gets in the read because in the past i have successfully used protein power plan and lost 32 pounds and kept it off for years. after having my babies and just getting lazy on my eating i have not lost my baby weight gain. So this high carb lifestyle is contrary to what i think helps you loose weight. but there is NO WAY to stay low fat and low carbs! it just is on possible. and w/ the stomach issues i have i HAVE to stay low fat. So i am learning. I am loosing tho. i have lost 8 pounds so far in 3 weeks. i figure this weight loss will slow down once i adjust. But i am DEF. having trouble getting in enough calories w/ this diet and enough protein. i am now putting two servings of protein in to my 2 smoothies a day to get both the calories and the protein up some. I have put a call in to a nutritionalist w/ my doctor tho because i am not sure this is a long term fix for my needs. it is still early, maybe i will adjust to the 2 smoothies one meal a day regimin. ???
  • bubbaduts
    bubbaduts Posts: 196 Member
    It is quite possbile to get enough protein being a raw vegan! People just assume vegans are unhealthy because of the few that are and only eat processed stuff like fake cheese and soy based but raw vegans can actually be quite healthy. Have you heard of diana stabo. If i didn't love cheese so much i would follow her diet. Eat nuts for calories and protein. seriously you do need to eat more! Good luck and don't let the people on the boards get to you. Most of them are bored or just unhappy with their lives so they feel the need to be rude to someone asking for help. Carbs are not bad they are your friend as a vegan and if you exercise you need them.
  • Panda307
    Panda307 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi feather touch I'm also trying to figure this protein issue out. I gave up most meat over two years ago, but still use animal products like milk and cheese and still eat fish. Maybe one day I will be really good and go vegan. I picked up the book "Veganist" by Kathy Freston a couple years ago. I'm planning on finally reading that now that I am trying to be healthy. I was flipping through it and looks like she puts some great info in there about protein for vegans. Good luck!!