Lacking Motivation :(

I'm on day 9 of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and for the past few days my heart just hasn't been in it and I haven't been pushing myself as hard as I know I can. Sure, I've still be doing it, but it doesn't feel like it's being as effective as it could be. This past week (since last Sunday's day 1) I have lost one pound. I had so much energy from this program earlier in the week and now I just lack the motivation to put the dvd on each day. I WANT this, but I just don't seem to be in the right mindset lately. :(


  • Jennell61
    Jennell61 Posts: 6 Member
    I go through the same thing. The worst, for me, is doing exercises that I don't enjoy. I like to bicycle, so I have no problem doing that. I hate doing exercise shows, so I have to MAKE myself do it and I eventually stop. I have found that I enjoy the Wii Fit games and they do burn calories! I used my heart rate monitor to find out just how many and I was happy to find that it wasn't much less than when I use the elliptical at the gym. Maybe you need to find an activity that you really enjoy to break up the monotony?
  • kingnatalie
    kingnatalie Posts: 163
    You are almost a third of the way through it, keep going, your determination will reward you upon completion of the program - you WILL feel good about meeting your goal even if at times it was hard.
  • rskidmore
    rskidmore Posts: 212
    I do enjoy doing the shred. I hate the monotony of the gym as it is just one machine to the next. I like how Jillian doesn't make you stop and she encourages you. It's not the program that's the problem, it's me. I like the program, I just don't have the motivation to do it. Does that make sense?

    I have Wii Fit Plus and I don't like it at all. I find it really boring actually. I find it frustrating to have to stay on a tiny little board while doing the exercises. The only thing I've been using my wii fit for is to record my weight and progress as I don't have a bathroom scale.

    Thanks kingnatalie. Have you done the shred too? I'm going to try to keep going as best I can.
  • acakeforawife
    Pardon my language but I think most common ideas of 'motivation' are bullsh*t. :tongue: Think about it -- do you feel particularly motivated to brush your teeth every day? Probably not. You just do it because you have to and the you don't like what would happen if you DIDN'T brush your teeth. That's all the 'motivation' you really need.

    All you REALLY need to keep going is momentum. And it sounds like you already have that, since you are sticking with it!!! :smile: Just keep plugging away, and eventually you'll find your enjoyment of it again.

    PS: Maybe you are also secretly a little unmotivated because the scale didn't show a bigger drop? I know that happens to me sometimes, where you think you're doing great and your motivation is sky-high -- then you step on the scale only to see you aren't doing as 'great' as you think you should be, and then you start losing that motivation ... Now I am NOTTTT saying that losing only 1lb is bad, in fact, it's great!!! But if you think that might be what's discouraging you, then you just need to psych yourself up again about why you're doing this (to tone, strengthen, etc.!)

    Good luck, I know you can keep this up!!! :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    well, if you have trouble yourself. in not wanting to do it... well dont give up. cause you know you can do it. maybe to change it up put music on. for yourself and watch and do the exercise maybe that helps? find things that will make you wanna. like sometime i go on youtube and put things that will make my wanna do anything... also have quotes around you or find something that will stick to you for a long time. that always helps me :)

    hope this helps. EVERYONE needs motivations :)
  • click
    click Posts: 36 Member
    A pound a week is great, you have to remind yourself every morning why you are doing this and what the end result will be. You need to remind yourself that the weight loss will even out throughout those weeks, some weeks giving more than others.

    Also keep in mind what waste you're giving out. Starting an exercise program can change your bowel habits and you can temporarily harbor a couple of pounds there too.
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    I'm on day 9 of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and for the past few days my heart just hasn't been in it and I haven't been pushing myself as hard as I know I can. Sure, I've still be doing it, but it doesn't feel like it's being as effective as it could be. This past week (since last Sunday's day 1) I have lost one pound. I had so much energy from this program earlier in the week and now I just lack the motivation to put the dvd on each day. I WANT this, but I just don't seem to be in the right mindset lately. :(

    I think this is something we all go through. For me, I tried the P90X and several other videos, but none got me excited to workout and I hated the thought of turning the video on, let alone put any effort into the workout.

    It is all about finding what works for you. Just because the 30 Day Shred works for some and most of us LOVE it, it might not be the right thing for you. Play around with different workouts and videos and you will find something that gets you motivated and excited to exercise. Plus, once you start seeing the results and feeling great, you wont want to miss a day.
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    I do enjoy doing the shred. I hate the monotony of the gym as it is just one machine to the next. I like how Jillian doesn't make you stop and she encourages you. It's not the program that's the problem, it's me. I like the program, I just don't have the motivation to do it. Does that make sense?

    I have Wii Fit Plus and I don't like it at all. I find it really boring actually. I find it frustrating to have to stay on a tiny little board while doing the exercises. The only thing I've been using my wii fit for is to record my weight and progress as I don't have a bathroom scale.

    Thanks kingnatalie. Have you done the shred too? I'm going to try to keep going as best I can.

    In order to make the lifestyle change and get the body you want, you have to be POSITIVE. Not to be rude, but everything that you write seems to be negative. Boring, dull, monotony, "I HATE." If you keep using words like that you will never get in the groove.
  • kingnatalie
    kingnatalie Posts: 163
    I do enjoy doing the shred. I hate the monotony of the gym as it is just one machine to the next. I like how Jillian doesn't make you stop and she encourages you. It's not the program that's the problem, it's me. I like the program, I just don't have the motivation to do it. Does that make sense?

    I have Wii Fit Plus and I don't like it at all. I find it really boring actually. I find it frustrating to have to stay on a tiny little board while doing the exercises. The only thing I've been using my wii fit for is to record my weight and progress as I don't have a bathroom scale.

    Thanks kingnatalie. Have you done the shred too? I'm going to try to keep going as best I can.

    I have not tried the Shred yet, but have done a 30 day challenge with the Wii EA Active, and am now working on C25K, which is a challenge every time I go out. I have completed up to day 2 of week 6, I keep working in this day because it is still a challenge,but I have also done one day of 20 minute running (no walking) - very hard AND very rewarding. I also a struggle mentally, but I have a goal... to run a 5k in August maybe even July. I am going to do this because I can... it just takes dedication and perseverance. It is challenging but every time I finish a run I feel very rewarded with pushing myself and meeting my goal. We all just need to keep that in mind. Can't can turn into I CAN!!
  • jflad
    jflad Posts: 7
    I completely agree with allykat8. You've got to be positive and happy to make a big change with your life! Getting healthy and in shape should be something you want to do for yourself! Not something you sort of want to do but don't really want to put the work in. Nothing worth having ever comes easy!