Anyone else emotional eaters?



  • Oh I am for sure! Whenever I'm stressed, sad, overwhelmed, or just bored I reach for something to much on. I've learned that I'm much happier when I'm active and involved in things. So this year, I'm going to try to step outside my comfort zone, stop being lazy, and get at least a workout in lol! I do love the feeling after a workout...i just have to stop reaching for the cookies, and reach for my running shoes instead :)
  • ConsueloBonito
    ConsueloBonito Posts: 18 Member
    Oh how I wish I was one of those people who stop eating when stressed. I eat too much junk, and very unbalanced anyway, that emotional eating just makes it worse. Food is always a friend, which is sad, actually. And I'm battling a lifelong "always clean your plate" brainwash. I agree with the poster who said its all emotional after a bit. Just joined today. I wish you all great success!
  • ooooh yeah i've gained 40 pounds in the last two years due to stress eating... I just joined this site today, hope I can finally get on the right track.
  • nhughes1864
    nhughes1864 Posts: 102 Member
    I wish exercise had the same comforting feeling as eating. I have found that when I exercise I do feel BETTER but I don't feel the instant COMFORT I feel when I eat an entire bag of doughnuts :embarassed:
  • nabzilla_uk
    nabzilla_uk Posts: 45 Member
    Yes I'm a real comfort and boredom eater!
  • Cat770
    Cat770 Posts: 1
    Yes, this is SO me! I work a stressful job from home, and the pantry is way too convenient. Also was in a bad marriage for much too long, and just have not been able to control perpetual snacking. Plus, I don't feel full after eating a meal. It's a problem I've got to get a grip on. Over the past 8 years give or take, I've gained 65 pounds. This is ridiculous!
  • Definitely. That's how I gained 60 lbs in a year.
  • I also work from home (daycare) and you're right, the pantry is WAY to close!!! It's frustrating to be an emotional eater because you KNOW you're not really hungry, it's just the instant gratification. Afterwards, I tend to feel worse than when I began eating in the first place!
  • I am. Especially when I'm angry/upset I'll pace back and forth in the kitchen, opening and closing things, and eventually find myself eating something horribly unhealthy.
  • Yep. It's not too bad even if I'm stressed or mad at some *kitten* but boredom can be a killer. I'll wander around the house or the lab, getting twitchy, and finally give in just to have something to do.
  • I find that anytime I am under stress I reach for food. I think it is because it seems to be such a comfort and soothes the stress. I know it is easier to avoid this if I get out of the house and away from food awhile...a walk, reading a book, just anything to get away from temptation. Hang strong:smile:
  • Hi, I too am an emotional eater, I have recently been prescribed with prozac for depression and anxiety, before this I was raiding the fridge,cupboards even the baking ingredients for something sweet! I have before I joined here been put on the waiting list for a gastric band fitting, I have type 2 diabetes and heart disease, so the band is really offered to me to practically save my life as I am only 59 years old and lost my mum to heart disease and a stroke at the early age of 63. I need help now to get some more of this horrid fat off, and maybe then I won't have to have the operation to have the band fitted. I have found this site quite by accident so let's see how I go!