Slightly Chubby Dude Looking to Look and Feel Good!

Hi All,

I am 37 years old, 6' 2", 216, athletic/muscular build but also chubby around the stomach area (just like many men my age I guess). My weight has been fluctuating between 210 and 222 for the last couple of years and I am simply tired of it. I have been doing cardio (mostly elipitical and treadmill since I have herniated discs in my lower back) 3-4 days week, along with weights 2-3 days, and have noticed muscle gain but no weight loss.

I have altered my diet (a big culprit for me) according to this great website! However, can anyone offer any advice on exercises I can do to make losing weight not only fun but also long-term? Please keep in mind I have a bad lower back so running is pretty much out of the equation (I used to run all the time when I was younger and loved it!). My goal is to be around the 200 pound mark within a couple of months.

Sorry for the long post but I thought some background info. was needed to seek the appropriate advice. Thank you in advance for your responses and good health to all!


  • Terryism
    Terryism Posts: 314 Member
    I don't really have an answer, but wanted to bump your post back to the first page so people see it...
  • djflowerz
    djflowerz Posts: 23 Member
    Increase your weight-bearing/muscle-building activities. Try a kettle bell, muscle pump class or similar. Do more calisthenics like pushups, situps (or other core workout), even jumping jacks. Try yoga. Try a dance class. If you can't run, try going on long walks or weekend hikes. Also, not sure about your diet, but increase your protein consumption, and don't rely on shakes or bars to do it. Those are supplements - they should not be the bulk or foundation of your diet. Get lean animal protein (I love turkey bacon, for one), some beans, etc. And eat as many fresh vegetables as you can. Not canned or frozen. Go to your local farmer's market and see what is in season and learn to cook with it. Make sure you are getting the bulk of your vitamins, nutrients, and fiber from vegetables and legumes. Don't fall victim to the "beige diet."
  • NitroAE23
    Seems like you have a lot of know how, your metabolism will start to pick up again I am sure. I believe the Rx just slowed it down for sure. Don't forget to change up on your exercise keep on mixing it up so your body does not get use to it. Every time I feel comfortable I just keep on saying to myself , nope Thomas get out of the comfort zone and push myself more.

    Be well and great health,
    Thomas AKA NitroAE23