Worse than I thought.....

So I always knew I needed to lose weight, but never thought it was thaaat bad, I'm big boned, fairly tall and I carry it better than the next person......right? WRONG! I managed to take some "before" pics on my phone (I still have to figure out how to download and post them) Needless to say, if that isn't motivation I don't know what is! I usually avoid mirrors and the camera or manage to position myself in a picture so that no one reeeeally sees me, all of me that is. Well now there it is in full view and it is definitely a full view! EEK!

Week one almost at an end and I cant believe I am excited to step on that scale!


  • ajs03
    ajs03 Posts: 32
    I know what you mean. I thought the same thing. And then I went to Hawaii & saw pics of myself & thought that I didn't want to look like that any longer.Plus I had an ankle injury at the time (still bothers me) and I figured all the extra weight wasn't good for me or my ankle. In May of 2011 I started my weightloss journey with Weight Watchers, lost 60 pounds. This past summer due to financial & time constraints (unable to get to meetings) I stopped doing WW, I gained back 10 pounds approximately. So I decided I needed to do something to keep me accountable. I wish you the best of luck. Feel free to add me if you would like.
  • Hazel2005
    Hazel2005 Posts: 175 Member
    Good job on only gaining back 10 pounds! 50 lbs is awesome! Some of us gained it ALL back. We'll all get there when we're supposed to - Good Luck!
  • TallAndSkinny22
    Well, we've all been through the "I'm big boned stage", but remember this is a long journey, one week's reading on the scale does not determine your success.. The first week is always huge, just don't be upset when the second and third aren't as amazing. What will be amazing is when you reach your goal
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Regardless of what that scale says...keep coming back! Rome wasn't built overnight and neither was your body! Consistency is key!
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    First of all, congrats on taking the first step! It's a big change so kudos to you for taking control of your life back!

    My story was similar to yours. I never knew I was THAT bad(I always thought I carried it well, also) until I saw a Christmas family photo taken in December of 2010. It was January of 2011 that I saw that pic, and the very next day I made the change and never looked back.

    If I can do it, you can do it!

    Good luck on the scale this week, and no matter what, just keep going! Make mini goals, watch your portions, have your fave foods in moderation, exercise and most importantly have fun!

    You got this!
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    Yes, a friend at the gym called me BIG Boned... he didn't say it to be mean....but I thought I am not big boned i'm overweight...I was 240 at one point..down to 153...need to loose a good 20. No more big boned comments for me...
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
    off topic

    Hazel is one of my favorite names.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Pictures are wonderful motivators. Yesterday Hubby showed me a picture of myself two weeks before my weight loss and though I am much smaller now, it remotivated me to lose this last little bit. Good luck and well wishes in reaching your goal.
  • littlewhittles
    littlewhittles Posts: 402 Member
    I had a picture motivate me, too. Amazing what it can do, right? Congrats on starting your journey and good luck!
  • dhanisk
    dhanisk Posts: 29
    You can do it. If you did not gain it in a short time, it is unrealistic to expect it to lose in a short time too. Keep track of what you eat and what you spend - that is all. Most of the diets are probably temporary in nature - I have never tried one!
    MFP is the real deal as it empowers and enables you to make slow, sustainable life style changes.

    I have been with MFP for the past five months - have lost 23 pounds and have managed to not gain back a single pound back so far.

    My cholesterol results have improved beyond my expectations - down from 170 to 110! Triglycerides are down from 150 to 90! Thanks to MFP, I can now think about getting off of the 10 mg Lipitor that I am on to keep my cholesterol in check.

    This is the real deal. If you stick with it, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish and how much better you will look and feel as well.
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    You have to be in a certain mindset in order to be successful. It sounds like you are there and if you are, nothing can stop you now!!:glasses:

    Well, if that's you in your profile pic, then you really do carry it well!! :tongue:

    Seriously though, I am a big boned woman. I was quite the whale last Christmas! Pictures to prove it!! I've lost 65 pounds since then. I'm 5' 10" and I now weigh 195. People at work and relatives tell me that I've lost too much or I'm right where I need to be and I should stop losing. There is no way that 195 pounds is underweight!! So I guess I look okay in clothes but I've seen me naked and I have a ways to go...about15-20 pounds. I guess they have just been so used to seeing me so big for so long that I appear too thin to them. One woman at work was really telling me I was underweight and I finally told her what I weigh and she could not believe it! She only weighs a few pounds more but I wear a size 12 pants and she wears an18. I'm only an inch taller than her! So maybe...just maybe, I carry it well. By the way, my goal when I started my journey was to get into size 14 pants and weigh 175 so I am more than pleased to be in a 12 at 195! And I'm not done!
  • DiaryOfaThickFitWoman
    Keep up the hard work and feel free to add me!
  • Hazel2005
    Hazel2005 Posts: 175 Member
    Thank you for the kind words of wisdom and encouragement! No worries, this isn't my first attempt and I am quite familiar with what can be a significant first week drop. I am in no hurry and you are correct, I definitely have the right mind set this time. I know all the right things and wrong things to do - this time I am ONLY doing the right things. Not even finished the first week and already testing my willpower. Boss ordered pizza for the office at lunch. I ate the lunch I brought. I wouldn't die if I had a piece but it certainly isn't going to help me in my efforts. One day at a time for this old girl and more choices like today.

    Thank you for your like of Hazel - it was my mother's name and she was awesome! LMAO!!! My profile pic is my "if I could look like anything dream pic"!!! It is quite unrealistic to get to that point but I'm sure going to do my best to get as close as I can. Again, thank you for your comments. You rock! Have a great weekend :wink:
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I also know how you feel. I am in the military, and even going into the fat kid program didn't help. It wasn't until my brother took a picture of me and I saw myself in that photo that freaked me out!
  • sherrilallen
    I took the dreaded "before" pics too. stood in the hall while my husband took the pictures of me in 6 different poses. they are really quite funny. good luck!
  • morticiamom
    morticiamom Posts: 221 Member
    I know those feels. When women get older, our excess weight shifts more to our bellies. UGH! That was a blessing in disguise for me, though, because seeing a big gut broke through that 'curvy, full-figured, big-boned' denial.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I decided I was "that" bad about 30 pounds ago (that's 30 pounds less than I weigh now). Now I'd be so happy to lose that 30 pounds! Sigh ........... one step at a time.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    dont lose those before pictures, they come in handy towards the end, gives you that extra motivation needed to take the last chunk off!!! good luck, youll do great im sure!!!
  • HeatherTransformed
    HeatherTransformed Posts: 213 Member
    Woohoo for almost making it through your first week!

    I've lost almost 60 lbs, so everyone keeps telling me how great I look. I start to feel pretty damn good about myself. Then a family member took a picture recently. Oh man, if that didn't bring me back to reality FAST.
  • Hazel2005
    Hazel2005 Posts: 175 Member
    Woohoo for almost making it through your first week!

    I've lost almost 60 lbs, so everyone keeps telling me how great I look. I start to feel pretty damn good about myself. Then a family member took a picture recently. Oh man, if that didn't bring me back to reality FAST.

    Stop That! 60 lbs is no small feat! You absolutely should feel damn good about yourself! :wink: