having trouble first time logging exercise

moment_to_arise Posts: 207 Member
edited January 7 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi everyone! Just joined today!:smile:

I have a fitness routine I do with a few people at the gym and I am having trouble figuring out how to log it... we do roughly 30 minutes straight of different abdominal exercises... what's the best way to do this? I am not even sure what some of the exercises are called, just that we do them haha.

the best sumup I can do is:

40 situps
30 leg spreaders
50 flutterkicks
25 reverse crunches
25 knee-to leg
20 seven sisters or hip ups
20 on each side individual bicycles (left leg only, then right leg only)
50 bicycles
40 on each side oblique cruches

and then a few other things that I honestly don't know what to call them... I could only describe it...



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