green coffee bean extract



  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member

    So I paid the money and got the pills and the first week of taking them I lost 4 lbs. Granted I do exercise a lot but I eat quite a bit too because I am diabetic and I have to keep my sugar under control. I did find out that I actually took the wrong pills though because Dr. Oz suggest to take the pills with Sivetol in them and the ones I took did not have it.

    This, more than anything, should highlight how much of a placebo the whole concept of any "fat burning/metabolism boosting/appetite changing" pill is. You lost the weight because of YOU; don't discount yourself, and don't give into the hype of quick/easy fixes.
  • Yesseniar92
    i started taking it 2 weeks ago.there is no magic pill everyone knows that but there are some benefits to it.i have a problem with sweets (chocolate) im a addict!it has help me control my sweet tooth and curb my appetite.i eat like im trying to gain weight but really im trying to loss.this little pill has helped me.good luck and dont listen to this negative comments everyones body is different .what works for you might not work for them.but theres nothing to loss by trying it out.
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    i started taking it 2 weeks ago.there is no magic pill everyone knows that but there are some benefits to it.i have a problem with sweets (chocolate) im a addict!it has help me control my sweet tooth and curb my appetite.i eat like im trying to gain weight but really im trying to loss.this little pill has helped me.good luck and dont listen to this negative comments everyones body is different .what works for you might not work for them.but theres nothing to loss by trying it out.

    ACTUALLY, from a biochemical stand point, not everyone's body IS that different. We are pretty much the same, with different variables based on our muscle/fat ratio's and other health issues that might be involved. THAT is why exercise and eating less pretty much works for everyone! I promise you, those green coffee pills are not curbing your appetite for sweets, you only think it is. If you've ever read any scientific study with a placebo involved, you'd know how powerful the placebo effect actually is. If you want to continue to pay for something that doesn't actually work, you are is your decision.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    ACTUALLY, from a biochemical stand point, not everyone's body IS that different. We are pretty much the same, with different variables based on our muscle/fat ratio's and other health issues that might be involved. THAT is why exercise and eating less pretty much works for everyone!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I think Dr. Oz. is realizing his need to fill daily shows has him touting all sorts of supplements and pills. His reputation sure has suffered. It would be impossible to take every thing he promotes. I see him pulling back from that. i purchased those raspberry ketones after he touted that on his show..they didn't work at all..and i'm stuck with a crap load of bottles.

    Nothing works like eating whole foods to get your metabolism going..getting a bit more active..drinking water to cleanse and hydrate. the old fashioned way really works.
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    I saw that also as well. my stepdad bought some but ran out. when he gets more I will include it. Dr oz has to have a team do extensive research before he endorses things on TV. I got a lot of helpful information from his show. explaining my weight situation. have lost 5 pounds so far.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    I mean this in the nicest way possible. A (very) overweight girl I knew once said "Fat people will buy anything they think will help them lose weight, because they are desperate to." Mass marketing knows this and takes advantage of it. You will lose weight by eating a reasonable diet, incorporating refular exercise into your life and (if you're smart and not only want to lose weight, but gain LBM, and lose BF) lifting weights.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    I am not going to hate on this pill, but i think.... I think i agree overall with what everyone is saying here. There's really no magic to a successful healthy life journey other than YOURSELF. You should be giving yourself credit rather than that pill. You are the one really making a difference. Perhaps you should start your 'new healthy lifestyle' with out the pill and see how you do. Just one week out to show you results that you need.
    Eating healthy and exercising are the two main ingredients to ALL HUMAN bodies when we want to live a healthier lifestyle and/or lose weight.

    I have tried every diet, pill, shake, diet plan in the book in my decades of battling weight. NOTHING has worked but self promotion meaning my own work, my own dedication, my own determination. EXERCISE AND GOOD EATING HABITS.

    And by the way - HEALTHY foods dont have to be organic. not all of us can afford that high quality crap. What you CAN afford is non processed foods, all of 'God's foods' such as vegetables and fruits and extra lean meats for protein. Stick to chicken and veggies and you'll drop weight faster than you can shove a pill down your throat.

    Like i said - i'm not going to hate on anything. I'm just saying nothing works better than exercise and healthy eating habits. OH and portion control!! IE - i ate an extra large slice of pizza yesterday for lunch, BUT THATS ALL I ATE as lunch. and yes it was pizza and unhealthy but did it kill my diet? no. why? because i used portion control! I also exercised extra yesterday due to a large dinner I had.
    Its all about balance!!
    good luck!
  • reba971
    reba971 Posts: 80
    I cannot argue with all of you who say that the green coffee bean that I am taking is not what is making me feel full. I do not know for sure, maybe I am getting sick or something. I will say this though, I was always hungry before I started taking it, I was eating out of control and was feeling very depressed about it. I started the coffee bean on New Years Day and I have not been very hungry at all ever since. Most of the time I don't finish what I fix for myself to eat. I cannot say for sure that it is the coffee bean that is doing it, but I have not changed anything else that I am doing. If it is a scam, then it is working for me. If it is all in my head, then so be it, I don't care what it is, I just love that it is working and I have already lost 2 lbs. I only have about 50 pounds to lose so I am not in that over 100 category. I think maybe some of you should be willing to give some things a chance, instead of always saying that EVERYTHING that comes in a pill form is a scam. What I take is all natural, there are no proprietary blends or anything extra in it, just the green coffee bean, the raspberry ketones and a veggie capsule. That is it. So far I have seen it do wonders for my father in law and I am loving it too.

    Ever heard of the Placebo effect?
  • reba971
    reba971 Posts: 80
    Yes, I have heard of the placebo effect...and if that is what it is, then I am fine with that. I don't really care what is making me not hungry, my mind or the coffee bean, as long as it is working and it is not hurting me, it is not a waste of my money.
    For those of you that have tried it and not lost weight, there are many people selling so called green coffee bean extract that is not the real usual there are people trying to make millions off of consumers. You have to make sure you are getting the right stuff. I did my research, and talked to a Dr. about this and made sure I was ordering the right stuff. Maybe that is why it didn't work for you.
  • reba971
    reba971 Posts: 80
    i started taking it 2 weeks ago.there is no magic pill everyone knows that but there are some benefits to it.i have a problem with sweets (chocolate) im a addict!it has help me control my sweet tooth and curb my appetite.i eat like im trying to gain weight but really im trying to loss.this little pill has helped me.good luck and dont listen to this negative comments everyones body is different .what works for you might not work for them.but theres nothing to loss by trying it out.

    Thank you, I totally agree.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    I have type 1 diabetes and have learned in the limited time that I have been taking the green coffee bean extract and also exercising that my sugar remains under a 100 every time my sugar gets checked. I love that fact because before all this I was always having over 150 and even as high as 300-400 at times. It amazes me that people are so negative when it comes to a so called "diet" pill. I do not believe in diets nor the word diet because for one diet is a 4 letter word and to me that is a bad word and should not be said. The other reason I hate "diet" as a way of life is because the first 3 letters. I am sorry but I am in no way shape or form trying to die from anything especially t.
    I follow a calorie count and no I do not really eat all that healthy food like organic this or that but I do stay under the calories that my body burns naturally. On top of that I exercise and yes it could be the fact that I do those two things that I am losing weight but if by taking a pill it makes me think that I am fuller than I actually am then I will keep taking that pill. For all the naysayers out there who have nothing but a negative word on everything that is said or done maybe vocabulary or a keyboard are not the right things for you. Everything works differently for everyone. This coffee bean works for me and many other people in this world and I recommend it to anyone that needs to lose weight and does not want to starve themselves.

    You mention everyone here being negative but the most negative thing I've heard here is your diet rant and the fact you find it amazing that people question a magic diet pill shows you are trying to find a quick weight loss solution. Good luck. You and the rest of world have seen these tricks before. smarten up, straighten out, follow a sensible 'diet' and exercise.

  • DeMayr
    DeMayr Posts: 67
    There are all these people on here that simply talk shiyt about things they haven't tried or even looked into. It is not claimed to be a magic pill by anybody other than those who sell it. If you took the time to do your research, or simply go to the man's website and read what he says on there about all the stuff he has on the show, you wouldn't assume he's a quack just because he talks about and reviews NATURAL supplements, with the help of the show's medical advisory board of 40+ doctors.

    Edit: And no, I do not watch his show or take any supplement other than my ON and multis. But I do take the time to read up on stuff rather than blabber about things I know nothing about.

    Directly from his site:
    “Green coffee" refers to the raw or unroasted seeds (beans) of Coffea fruits. Green coffee beans are cleaned, dried, roasted, ground, and brewed to produce coffee. Coffee contains hundreds of components, each of which may have potential and independent pharmacological effects.

    Coffee is a notable source of caffeine. However, coffee’s effects on glycemic control and weight loss have been attributed to its other components, including chlorogenic acid, quinides, lignans, and trigonelline, all of which have been shown to improve glucose metabolism in animal studies.

    Chlorogenic acid has specifically been shown to inhibit an enzyme, glucose-6-phosphatase, that promotes the formation of glucose (sugar) in the liver. Hence, chlorogenic acid in coffee may be responsible, at least in part, for the reduced risk of glycemic disorders, like diabetes, with long-term coffee consumption.

    It may also be the source of coffee’s anti-obesity effects. Various studies have suggested that chlorogenic acid slows absorption of fat from food intake and also activates metabolism of extra fat. Unfortunately, traditional brewed coffee doesn’t serve as a good source of chlorogenic acid. While roasting green coffee beans removes its naturally bitter taste, it also removes a significant portion of chlorogenic acid. Hence, green coffee beans remain one of the best natural sources for chlorogenic acid.

    The most recent study on green coffee bean was published in January 2012 in the Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity journal. The researchers followed a group of 16 adults who supplemented with a special green coffee bean extract of chlorogenic acids at different dosages (either 700 or 1050 milligrams per day) for 12 weeks. All 16 adults were considered overweight, as demonstrated by a BMI of greater than 25 (a normal BMI is between 18.5 and 25).

    The extract the researchers used contained an ingredient called GCA, which contains a standard green coffee extract of total chlorogenic acids and other hydroxycinnamic acids that have been known to have antioxidant health benefits. The subjects lost an average of almost 18 pounds – this was 10% of their overall body weight and 4.4% of their overall body fat.

    With this promising study, many companies and websites have prized this supplement – even marketing similar fat-burning substances of their own. However, the consumer should always beware when buying unregulated supplements online. When purchasing supplements, make sure you look at the list of ingredients. When looking for a green coffee bean supplement, it should contain the chlorogenic acid extract, which can be listed as any of the following:

    GCA® (green coffee antioxidant)

    Also, look for a capsule that contains at least 45% chlorogenic acid. More than 45% is okay, but pills with less than this amount have not been tested in studies that demonstrate weight loss. If you are going to take green coffee bean, the recommended dosage is 400mg, three times a day – 30 minutes before each meal. However, some clinical trials have also demonstrated success with 200mg.

    If the bottle doesn’t list ingredients, don’t buy it! On the ingredient list, you should see no fillers and no artificial ingredients. Also, don’t be fooled by the word “pure” if you see it on a label. If you see the word “pure,” and you don’t see Svetol® or GCA®, consider another choice.

    So, who is the green coffee bean extract right for? Most healthy adults, over the age of 18, who want to lose weight. It shouldn’t be taken by anyone who is pregnant or breastfeeding. The supplement is new, and there is no research on its effects on children; children should not take this supplement. You also shouldn’t take this if you have an allergy to coffee or caffeine.

    Most importantly, The Doctor Oz Show will not and does not promote any particular brand of green coffee bean extract. If you see any ads or receive any e-mails that claim Dr. Oz is promoting or recommending a specific brand, ignore it and click here to let The Dr. Oz Show know about it.

    Also, understand that no pill is more effective than maintaining a regular exercise regimen and a healthy diet.
  • reba971
    reba971 Posts: 80
    Thank you DeMayr...that was well said.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    So you read up on the validity of dr. Oz by researching info on dr. Oz's website?

    Seems legit.
  • PottsvilleCurse1925
    PottsvilleCurse1925 Posts: 354 Member
    Other efficient pills are laxatives.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    @DeMayr: Did you seriously use a "fact sheet" from Dr. Oz's website as scientific verification of these pills? You know valid science is verified by multiple sources and is able to be replicated?

    Dr. Oz does NOT need a team of researchers, and if he does... it's TV! The only difference between TV and the internet is that you can say more f-bombs on one (though not on MFP, amirite?). There is NOTHING in the US that keeps anything on TV "legitimate" like in so many other countries

    Why do people get so defensive about these pills? People have DIED from various diet pills over the years; people lose money that could be going to much more beneficial things to them. All of us who have ACTUALLY researched beyond a biased website aren't discrediting diet pills for trolllols. We're doing it because we want people to succeed, and the people taking advantage of others with these pills to STOP their manipulation.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    When you take caffeine pills, the results eventually stifle once your body down regulates the effects of the caffeine.
    This is a prescription for the perfect yoyo diet cycle.
    Don't ever say you weren't warned.
    Suit yourself....
  • DeMayr
    DeMayr Posts: 67
    @DeMayr: Did you seriously use a "fact sheet" from Dr. Oz's website as scientific verification of these pills? You know valid science is verified by multiple sources and is able to be replicated?

    Dr. Oz does NOT need a team of researchers, and if he does... it's TV! The only difference between TV and the internet is that you can say more f-bombs on one (though not on MFP, amirite?). There is NOTHING in the US that keeps anything on TV "legitimate" like in so many other countries

    Why do people get so defensive about these pills? People have DIED from various diet pills over the years; people lose money that could be going to much more beneficial things to them. All of us who have ACTUALLY researched beyond a biased website aren't discrediting diet pills for trolllols. We're doing it because we want people to succeed, and the people taking advantage of others with these pills to STOP their manipulation.

    I didn't use it as scientific verification of the pills, I used it as a reference to clear up what people assume he claims and what he actually says. All I've been hearing these past few days is that he is quack this and quack that about the man because some people are unable to interpret things.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    @DeMayr: Did you seriously use a "fact sheet" from Dr. Oz's website as scientific verification of these pills? You know valid science is verified by multiple sources and is able to be replicated?

    Dr. Oz does NOT need a team of researchers, and if he does... it's TV! The only difference between TV and the internet is that you can say more f-bombs on one (though not on MFP, amirite?). There is NOTHING in the US that keeps anything on TV "legitimate" like in so many other countries

    Why do people get so defensive about these pills? People have DIED from various diet pills over the years; people lose money that could be going to much more beneficial things to them. All of us who have ACTUALLY researched beyond a biased website aren't discrediting diet pills for trolllols. We're doing it because we want people to succeed, and the people taking advantage of others with these pills to STOP their manipulation.

    I didn't use it as scientific verification of the pills, I used it as a reference to clear up what people assume he claims and what he actually says. All I've been hearing these past few days is that he is quack this and quack that about the man because some people are unable to interpret things.

    He's a quack because he repeatedly pushes supplements and makes ridiculous claims about said supplements. Raspberry Keytones being another example.

    Your claim that people calling him a quack are "unable to interpret things" is laughable.