Taking My Life Back....

I have been battling with my weight for years and I've managed to gained over 140lbs....The hardest thing about saying that is, having to admit it. I let myself become over weight and along with it came depression, thoughts of suicide, heartache, jealousy and low self esteem. I get so embarassed of myself at times that I hardly go out anymore just to avoid any looks I may get. The few friends I do have are either smaller or shorter than me so when were out I'm usually the big and tall girl of the group. I just can't take that anymore. I want to be able to go out with friends and not be a debbie downer and go shopping without hating everything I see or to take my son out side and ACTUALLY play with him and not just sit and watch him. I know everyone says it, but this year for me is going to be the year I take my life back and get back to loving me again and knowing my self worth, it's going to be a year of happiness. I joined myfitnesspal hoping to get support from others who know what it's like to want to lose weight SOOOOO bad, but just can't shake that addition to food. I'm going to beat this addition if it's the last thing I do. I've got a husband and son who need me and I'll be d***ed if I'm going to let this weight kill me. I have plans for this future slim body of mine and I'm not giving up this time. I would really love to have some more friends for support. Add me and I will return that same support you give me.


  • Miller118
    Good luck on your journey....you can add me if you would like!