Wrong Baby Wrong

Come on now
Everyone falls down
Everyone crawls now and then
Then they get up again
You cry if you want to
That’s what we all do
But if you think you’ll never move on you’re wrong baby

I took this from a Martina McBride song (Wrong Baby Wrong) and yes I am taking it out of context from the song, but there is so much truth here. Lets not even look at the life lessons contained in these lyrics but just how it pertains to weight loss/pursuit of a healthy life. I know I have fallen at times. I've had guilt (crawled), cried (I'm ready to give up!don't have time/to tired, etc), and thought I couldn't move on (I will be stuck at this weight forever!). But I was wrong baby, wrong, and if you have these feelings you are to. You may not feel it now, but you are so beautiful. You simply light up a room when you walk in and you never had to lose a pound to do that. God crafted a masterpiece when He made you. I am so proud of how hard your working and will work darling, but its ok if you fall sometime. Your always perfect in my eyes. Don't give up now beautiful. Your wrong baby wrong if you think one setback (or even a couple) can stop you. I have faith in you.

I love you my amazing friends. :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:

God bless you,


ps: I have a soft spot for McBride. My darling wife dedicated McBride's hit song "I Just Call You Mine" to me and called me at work when they played the dedication over the radio. No one had ever done that for me :happy: . My song for her is "Then" by Brad Paisley. I am the most blessed man in the world and I can't wait to grow old with the greatest woman i ever met and see our kids have kids with the loves of their lives :happy: . God is so good.


  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Another amazing post :bigsmile: YouTube'd the song and I love it!! x
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    I LOVE Martina Mcbride! Great song too.

    ~Leash :heart:
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    Ed, you kill me.

    Today's a 'fall off the wagon' day, so far... though I plan to keep within my calories... my reasons for eating bad-for-me foods are stupid- just feeling at the end of my rope from the prolonged migraine... but dinner will be healthy, and that's a good thing. Taco salad.

    Your posts always uplift me.

    Thank you.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    that is really sweet, thanks.
  • 2daughtermom
    Ed, so glad I have you as a friend
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    I love you all so much! :happy: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • PAnn1
    PAnn1 Posts: 530 Member
    That is so beautiful Ed!
  • Jamie_Moy
    Jamie_Moy Posts: 40
    wow, amazing, and such a sweet exerpt about your wife!! seriously, i want to be your friend too ed??
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I definitely have a soft spot for Martina McBride too. I sang "Anyway" at church a couple years ago. I love all of Reba's stuff too...those girls know how to make me cry!! :happy: