Here goes nothing....

Hi all the wife and I started using the app this week and really hope we can stick with it. I'm 27 she's... older (I'm to smart to post her age) and well we both have a good bit to loose. Our scale is for lack of a better word junk so best guess our weights are, I'm about 315 and 5' 10" she's 205 and 5' 7". Any motivation will help us both we're trying to be in this together but the whole "love you as you are" tends to not push us hard enough hahaha.... I've tried to bring it up to people around use to keep me in check but I always get "there's no way you're that heavy" or "you wear it well" and my favorite from my step son "you're not a gross fat you're a cool fat, like a big bouncer dude"

As a bit of history/introduction over I'd say the last 3-4 years we both have well plumped right up I started in a size 38 and hovered around 250ish I'd guess, now my 42's are snug wife was in a 12 I know, no idea now I'm sure she'll do an intro post too. My job is becoming less and less active and more in front of a PC. We both pretty much have always just eaten what we wanted to out of habit. We we're both athletes in HS and back then I was 225 and a member of the 1300lbs club (o the glory days) and my wife was a swimmer. I've yoyo'd weight for years but I think right now is the worst in terms of fat %. My wife took a big hit too having our son who's about 19 mo now and she's back on HBP meds.

I never really gave a hoot about my weight while I was in school I was just the big guy heck I was 145lbs in 4th grade and went up 10lbs every year or after school and working construction cause I was just "thick" and always said I'd rather be fat and happy than skinny and hungry... problem is now I'm not happy.. my kid can out run me and I can hardly stand up out of his play yard without lots of grunts and groans. Even though I'm fed up with having to lift my gut to button my pants I loose motivation quick, team that with LOVING to eat and yea....

So we're using the app, joined the local wellness center, and are going for our workout program planning on Sunday. My office at work is moving to a different building and if I so choose (which I should) I'll skip the elevator and take the I'd say 30 stairs everyday. Switched to only diet pop (Pepsi Max for me) and trying to cook lighter, and we need help there. I do some travel for work so if all goes well I'll order salads instead of.... the rest of the menu. So here we are fat and unhappy hoping to reboot our life style and not hate looking in the mirror my jump for joy goal is 225-215 back to my graduating weight but I think long term if I could get anywhere under 200 and maintain it I would totally not believe it was true.


  • TCondor
    TCondor Posts: 88
    My wife & I are doing this together as well. Feel free to send me an friend request if you'd like. It's groovy to share support & tips w/people on similar paths. You can tell your wife to send me a request as well if she'd like to.

    Good luck.
  • Miller118
    Good luck to both of you!!! You could send me a friend request if you wish!
  • Soloflyergirl2
    Soloflyergirl2 Posts: 127 Member
    There are very supportive people in the MyFitnessPal community. You shared your situation with honesty and now the adventure begins. Some things to add to your list with this goal is to plan meals. That means when you buy groceries , you have the meals in mind. It sounds restricting, but.... remember , you are going to keep within a calorie limit... You know you need protein. You know that sugar becomes fat...... Start there. Ask... what can eliminate now.... without pain and sorrow? Eliminate white bread, white rice, white sugar, and pasta..( though you can have wheat based pasta... Look at Barilla)........ Keep a water bottle with you, because... you must stay hydrated and water can make you feel full. Eliiminate sweet drinks, and check the labels on juices. There's a lot of sugar in many juices. One thing I've learned is that young people can accomplish this.... and I'm very impressed with their support to each other. ( I'm older, different issues, but making progress . When you're my age, you are literally trying to save your life, last chance.)........ I have nephews with weight issues, so I've supported them....... Further.... start adding steps to your day.... For a few dollars you can get a pedometer... and aim for 10,000 steps a day... sounds like a lot.. but it increases as you challenge yourself. You have an athletic background, so you know about challenges, victory , and defeats....... Without spending a lot of money.... create a home gym.... Get an exercise mat... Use huge Progresso soup cans for light weights.... Go to On Demand on your tv... There are exercise programs, FREE, you can do in your home..... a good workout .. honestly...... This is just a start..... Don't give up... You are investing in a healthy future together. which is admirable... A lot of people don't have that.... so recognize this is a challenge for both of you, and focus..... best wishes, Pleasehelpmeloseweight....... :flowerforyou:
  • yaba77
    yaba77 Posts: 20
    Yes i forgot the meal planning this has been something we have talked about a lot but not even for the weight stand point just a budget and time thing we both work and spend way to much time "figuring out" whats for dinner and it results in tons of ordered pizza etc... We do plan to kill the soda all together at some point the diet stuff is our "baby step" so we don't go crazy.. i did buy water bottles and have been trying to down at least 64 oz a day at work... coffee is a thing i love too but I only drink it black... I honestly didn't think white rice was an issue we started using that allot this week with our dinners instead of bread or pasta... o well it's all a learning process
  • yaba77
    yaba77 Posts: 20
    O and I also for got to mention I have switched to the e-cigs for about 1.5 months so far I love it and i feel so much better if anyone wants some info on how that's going just let me know... it's all part of our doing better for us plan i guess lol
  • coffee_rocks
    coffee_rocks Posts: 275 Member
    Sounds like you have made a good start with your plans. I would buy a new scale - one that is easy to read (digital) and you can use to track your progress. Part of accountability is a clear set of goals, and accurate measurements.

    Also, before you start, take your measurements - waist, hips, chest, etc. There will be times as you do this that you may not drop a lot of weight, but your measurements will improve - and that is still progress!

    Good luck.
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    Its great you are doing it together. My husband and I are doing it together as well. Feel free to add me if you want :)
  • StinkyWinkies
    StinkyWinkies Posts: 603 Member
    ... I honestly didn't think white rice was an issue we started using that allot this week with our dinners instead of bread or pasta... o well it's all a learning process

    It's Not an "issue." It's someone's personal eating, weight lost, be healthy preference. It's ALL about moderation.

    I've the diabetes and I eat rice, bread, pasta, but in Moderation, generally no more than 2 servings/day, which is great for me, since I used to eat 8-10 servings/day and use potatoes as a "treat" or with a "special" dinner, since they are one of my weaknesses.

    Congrats to you and your lovely wife.

  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    Hi Great to read your post and I wish you both the very best but not luck!luck has very little to do with it but change does its about rethinking what you do and how you live!Ditch the fizzy drinks all of them diet or not!cook the food you eat not pop it in the microwave or empty it out of a tin! get cooking you can make time nutritious meals can be ready in as little as 30 mins!Take a look at has thousands of recipes and different ideas! now get going you will succeed!
  • Still_Fluffy
    Still_Fluffy Posts: 341 Member
    I started to really try and lose weight right after I got married six years ago. My wife and I started running together. We'll she jogged really slowly until I was in enough shape to actually run. Since I start I went from 392 pounds to 362 pounds. I dropped from a 46 inch waist to 36 (and they're getting loose). I can now where XL shirt were before XXXL were getting snug. I’ve know ran 4 marathons and am much faster than my wife.
    Below is what worked for us:
    1) Sign up for a race - preferably a 10 K or longer. Most people need to train for a 10K (6.2 miles), if you’re former athletes you could probably fast walk a 5k(3.1 miles). Once you sign up tell everyone you’re doing it. The humiliation of not finishing it will be motivation to work hard at.
    2) Whenever possible work out together a couple times a week. We found it was fun and healthy way to spend time together and was better than watching TV
    3) Take before pics - I wish I would have!
    4) Take a walk together every night if possible. I live in Minnesota so there are many nights we can't
    5) Constantly encourage your wife, not so much on the changes to her body, but on how impressed you are she's setting a good example for your kids.

    Again this is what worked for me/us. Good Luck, feel free to add me.