Third time's a charm, right?

I've been on MFP for about a year, but I'm just now starting to really utilize it. A step on the scale last week shocked and motivated me. Now to stay motivated. My best friend and I have decided to do this together.. Well as much as possible with 300 miles separating us. I need people to keep me motivated while on my mission to lose 75 pounds. That's my first goal at least. I tend to have one bad day and give up, but I have to keep going this time!! I've lost weight twice before only to gain it all back and then some. I'm looking into HRMs that have apps that sync with MFP.. Any suggestions...??


  • asigaim
    asigaim Posts: 12 Member
    You've always been my backbone, and I'll always try to be yours! I have faith in you, and we can do this together, even if we are 3 hours away from each other!!

    And the 3rd time is always the charm! ilul!