New here - checking in!

I am ready for a new start in 2013

Did weightwatchers a few years ago and went from 167 down to a very trim 134. Made goal and have gone up and down 10lbs in the last few years trying to keep it off.

I am at 150 today and want to go back to the trim self I liked.

Saw this program listed as better than weight watchers so giving it a shot before I go back to paying big bucks.

Will try to post pics later - wish me luck


  • sreed016
    sreed016 Posts: 97 Member
    PS - my profile pics is the very trim 134 I want to get back to

    I am just over 5'8" and that was a good weight for me.
  • EpitomeOfSxy
    EpitomeOfSxy Posts: 157 Member
    Welcome aboard and good luck on your journey! MFP is an awesome community :)
  • RamTraveler
    Good luck! This is my 2nd time here and this time I am using the community to help me. I didn't last time. There are so many on here offering support, it's just wonderful. I am doing this to get healthy. The weight loss will be like a side effect! lol I'm here for support! Keep going!!!
  • sreed016
    sreed016 Posts: 97 Member
    OK here goest the good bad and the ugly...



