
I am new to myfitnesspal. I started it along with two other friends in hopes to become and maintain and healthy and skinner lifestyle!

I am on currently on day 2 of the 30-day shred and it hurts to move!!! I'm so sore!

I'm dieting and not eating after 8.

It will be really hard at first but i'm hoping that I will stay strong for the 30 days!

Any suggestions or words of engouragement are strongly welcomed hahaha!



  • emtink
    emtink Posts: 387 Member
    its a good hurt, right? :laugh:

    welcome :flowerforyou:
  • KiKi1519
    KiKi1519 Posts: 1
    Hi There! Welcome! I am new to myfitnesspal too.

    Keep your strength...you will be so thankful at the end of the 30 days! I hear that the first 3 days are the hardest. Soo...at least it's all uphill from there!

    I keep a pair of my old jeans in my dresser as inspiration! I look at them every day to remind myself why I am doing this in the first place. There is no reason to deprive ourselves of food and inflict pain on ourselves from working out if we're not going to reap the benefits from it! If we start it, we mind as well finish it!! Those jeans are waiting!!!! :)

    Good Luck!
  • Tami22
    Tami22 Posts: 56
    HI!! I am new as well!!! What is a 30 day shred? Tami
  • erika928
    erika928 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi there! I am also new. I'm on day like 6 I think. I loved Jillians 30 day shred, but moved up to P90X. LOVE IT! I can barely move, but I feel like a million bucks afterwards lol!
  • lhamil00
    lhamil00 Posts: 5
    Thank you all for responding!!!

    erika928- I heard P90X is super intense! Good luck on it!!!!

    Tami22- The shred?! It is Jillian Micheals Work out dvd, it is really intense and is said that one can loose up to 20 lbs by doing i'm only looking to loose about 10 from it (for now!)
    I totally recommend it though!

    Kiki1591- Thank you!!!! Yeah I have lots of clothes in my closest hahaha I'm on day 4 now and am starting to feel better! WOOHOO! Good luck to you too WE CAN DO IT!!!! :)

    emtink- oh it is a good hurt- it's the kind wear my muscles are thanking me for finally using them hahah!
  • cpatapow
    cpatapow Posts: 1
    Good Luck and keep going!!!