I need to do this...NOW!

Hello everyone...my name is Nell and I weigh 257 pounds. I feel like a linebacker. I have a great life filled with blessings, yet I shudder whenever I pass a mirror and see myself. Many years of not taking care of myself, of putting everything before ME had created an attitude that I will get to ME when I have time, when I have energy...well SCREW IT it's my time now.

I have three absolutely adorable kids and they are my world. Being a single mom means I'm a superhero...and my biggest foe is my weight. I'm making the lifestyle changes necessary to create the new me and fill my life with positive energy. I'm going to lose another human being off my body and I will do so proudly. By this time next year I'm going to look back and say I DID IT.

Love & Light to everyone on all legs of their journey here.


  • ladynica
    ladynica Posts: 329 Member
    I can always use friends. Feel free to add me. (This goes for anyone, the more the merrier).
  • LucyJane1213
    You rock, girl!
  • quintana49
    After reading your post I feel like you and I are very similar. Feel free to add me. We can keep each other motivated =D