help with weekends

does anyone have any tips to get through the weekend without spoiling my diet efforts? every week without fail i mess up on the weekend and I really dont want to


  • tararocks
    tararocks Posts: 287 Member
    why are you messing up? Because you make bad food decisions, because you quit your workouts, etc? I find taht i can eat much better on weekends because my schedule is less hectic, i can also put in good gym time, and i feel downfall comes when i decide to catch up with friends on a weekend...drinks followed by bad food what part do you go south on during the weekends?
  • quietHiker
    quietHiker Posts: 1,442 Member
    I give myself a little leeway on the weekends. I just always try to make sure I drink at least 12 cups of water a day to counter the amounts of extra sodium I usually get in on the weekend. o_O I think you need days that aren't as strict. Maybe just start small...instead of grabbing for that sweet treat, try chewing on some gum for a while...or if you feel like you're hungry, try drinking something...sometimes when you think you're hungry, you're really thirsty. :)
  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    1) Keep your exercise schedule
    2) Keep away from places that might tempt you to indulge (malls, especially food court/pastry areas)
    3) Keep your mind away from food/eating
  • carly_am
    carly_am Posts: 145 Member

    I always had (and often still have) the same problem - once I'm out of my work day routine I lose the plot.

    Unfortunately there's no answer you just have to damn well STICK TO YOUR CALORIES.!!

    For me it's booze that usually does it so Ill allow myself say 2 glasses of wine and work it into my cals. Or alternatively use the free days to burn as many cals as poss (go on a massively long walk, swim etc) and then you'll have a greater allowance?

    Sorry I don't really have an answer for you. You just HAVE to be strong.

    Good luck.
  • bluecrayonz
    bluecrayonz Posts: 459 Member
    no work to keep me occupied i usually read and take a much needed nap and just lazy around. im not sure what it is exactly its like my body knows i cheat on weekends and it gets these cravings....i have a fairly easy maintaining my diet all week but BOOM Friday comes and iget hungry faster and crave more carbs and saying no to pizza suddenly becomes a struggle rather than an obvious "I'm gunna walk away from this"
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 783 Member
    My lifestyle change is only in effect from Sunday morning until Friday afternoon - Friday night is date night with hubby & Saturdays are...well, they're just Saturdays. :wink: :wink: :wink: Even though I indulge during these times, I still get my workouts in. Don't get discouraged...

    Remember it's a lifestyle change - not a diet. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    I set mini-goals for myself to help me stay on track on weekends.

    It can be a simple as committing to drinking all my water or getting in at least one workout.

    I have discovered that if I pour my daily water quota in a big pitcher when it's empty .....victory is

    Setting my weigh in day as Friday also helps keep me on track.

    It's mind over matter. Ask yourself how badly do you want to change your lifestyle.....super bad!

    Best of luck

  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    What do you mean by mess up? Sit down and think about exactly what has occurred, what the triggers were, how you can avoid those. Are you letting yourself get hungry? Binging when a little tipsy or with a hangover? Allowing yourself to be in or near places you can purchase rubbish when you have cash in your purse? Are you getting bored?

    You can learn a lot from smokers: it helps them to get rid of all paraphernalia, change up their routine in even small ways like sitting in a different chair or doing things in a different order, avoid trigger people and situations or places.
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    For me weekends are no different than weekdays because I work at home and work most weekend days. However I think it has helped to make Monday my weigh-in day, keeps me more accountable.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I always cut myself some slack on the weekend. Why don't you get in a good workout and earn some extra calories? That way you have more wiggle room with your food choices and you don't have to feel so bad.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    I find that not eating too much works 7 days a week.

    Hope this helps.
  • Photomandy
    Photomandy Posts: 56 Member
    I make my weigh-in on Sat., and then plan a good work-out and a little "cheat" in the evening. Keeps me from going nuts Fri. night. You could do that for Sat. or Sun.
  • Poecile
    Poecile Posts: 46 Member
    I have the opposite problem on weekends, it seems. I don't have the drive to eat then. It's really strange. :ohwell:

    It's the weekdays where I eat, and it seems on Mondays I eat the most. ??? I think I'm just weird.
  • lilteepot
    I have that problem in the evenings, mostly because I have a tendency to eat when I'm bored and food is available. I've been focusing on staying busy, keeping my mind occupied. I don't crave like I was, and added bonus: it's amazing how much is getting done around my house and how much energy I have throughout the evening when I'm not just sitting on my *kitten*. :)
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    My weekends go like this:

    Friday AM- Official weigh in.
    Friday = bf and my take out night. We have set places that I have "diet" orders and maintence orders at.
    Saturday = bf cooks a large meal that we eat at about 4ish that is lunch and dinner. It is delicious and amazing.
    Sunday = I cook a bunch of small recipes for lunches for the week and have a small sampling of many of them.

    Try to come up with a plan that suits your weekend as much as your regular plan fits your work week.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I find that not eating too much works 7 days a week.

    Hope this helps.

    Yes, super helpful to be sure. You may as well have said "put down the fork."
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I always cut myself some slack on the weekend. Why don't you get in a good workout and earn some extra calories? That way you have more wiggle room with your food choices and you don't have to feel so bad.

    This, and I usually don't eat my exercise calories back Mon-Fri, but I do on Sat and Sun. Eating back a little less than half my exercise cals for the whole week tends to work best for me.
  • gagagul
    gagagul Posts: 63 Member
    I am having this same problem myself. I have told myself that I am going to stick to having a drink/cocktail and only 1 or 2 max on only special occasions. I quit smoking (Social Smoker and my new year's resolution) so if I am drinking less I won't need that cigarette after all. Keeping my diet weekends included and eating out no matter what. These are some goals I have set for myself so that come Monday I can see a weight loss not a weight gain. Stay in touch and add me if you like we can keep eachother motivated :)
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Hmmm...are you avoiding things like carbs all week thar might be causing you to crave them more every weekend? What has always worked for me is to not restrict anything really, but to enjoy foods I like in moderation. Since I never feel deprived, it's rare for me to go overboard.
  • tararocks
    tararocks Posts: 287 Member
    didnt read all of the responses yet, but is it also possible that you are being too strict on yourself during the week? That you do not give in to any temptation, that you keep all carbs out/sugars out/whatever it is that you "cheat" with on the weekends, that you are depriving yourself so much of those during the week that on the weekend its hard not to go hogwild, you feel like you need a break? maybe you should incorporate some of these thigns into your m-f routine and that would make the weekend easier to manage?