I need a good workout plan!

Would anyone be interested in building me a good workout plan? Here is my situation...

Along with working a full-time job, I am also a full-time student but only for four more weeks! So at least for now, it needs to be something that does not require much time, and that I can fit in to a very busy schedule. As of right now, I have a membership to a local gym, but I am considering canceling it for budget reasons and if I can come up with (or have someone help me come up with) a good at-home workout routine. So that is kind of up in the air!

I am 5'4" and 141 pounds - the heaviest I have ever been! I am of average build and used to work out a lot but haven't consistently since high school. I need work in every area, so I am looking for something that is kind of an overall toner. Also, I am going to be in a wedding at the end of May, wearing a strapless dress so anything that would make my arms/shoulders look good before then would be a plus!

I know there has to be someone talented and organized enough to put together a plan for me, I would really appreciate it! Please let me know if you can help me.



  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Have you thought about bodyweight plans? and you can add strength training on different days to hit different body parts. For example, a 30 minute bodyweight workout, followed by back and bicep workout, the next workout could consist of cardio again with chest/tricep,..and so on, feel free to message me, let me know what you like doing the ime you WILL commit, not what you think you can, and what equipment if any you have available at home.
  • emay45
    emay45 Posts: 32 Member
    If you have a wii, I highly suggest EA Active. The workouts range from 20 minutes to an hour, depending on how much time you have to do them. They really kick your *kitten*! lol.
  • spedee
    spedee Posts: 5
    I am a busy person too! single mom of 3, working part time and I just finised my degree going full time. I had a gym membership but never went it took to much time just to get us all out the door. I have been walking and jogging in place in my living room. I started with 5 mins of walking then went to 10, then walk 5, jog 5, walk 5. I am now up to 1 hour going back and forth, sometimes I even jog for 10 mins then walk for 5. I started this 4 months ago and have lost 15 lbs so far. I do it every day or almost every day, even if I can only do it for 15 mins at a time. I hope this helps, by the way I've been trying to lose weight for 2 years and nothing until I started doing this.
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Buy Jillian's 30 Day Shred. The first workout is only 20 minutes. I got sore (a good sore) from doing it on Sat. I walked on Sunday and am resting today. If you shred 3-4 days a week and throw in some cardio on the other days you will be looking hot in that strapless dress in no time! Stay within your calorie limit and drink lots of H20. It really makes a difference!
  • NArrambide
    NArrambide Posts: 4 Member
    I've never been crazy about exercises, but I joined a group online and receive daily missions. In a nutshell: cardio M, W, F, Sat. (at least 15 mins) and strength training Tues. & Thurs. I feels sooo good. I can do this and don't feel like I'll crash and burn after a few days. I have done as much as time permits - 15, 10, 30 mins. That's it! My energy levels are amazing. While I fell of the wagon for over a month, I'm back on track.
  • Pinksapphire74
    Do you have netflix? They have some great 10 minute workouts that you can watch right from your computer! I love them because they work and only take 10 minutes:)
  • bacallmarie
    Im in the same boat as you. I have never weighed this much before and I am super busy...I have 3 jobs and teach Sunday school and I just graduated from college last May. I am in one wedding on Oct. 30 and I am getting married Oct. 2nd...Way to way the most in my life now lol. I am 5'4 and weigh 148... I am doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred...Moving up to level 2 tomorrow. I just bought her banish fat boost metabolism I heard it is her best video from someone on here. I will tell you how it works out. I think I will add it twice a week. She kicks butt for sure and then Im trying to stay around 1200 calories a day and drinking lots of water. So far I feel thinner but have only lost 2 lbs in the last week and a half.
  • aareeyesee
    aareeyesee Posts: 65 Member
    Hows this http://articles.elitefts.com/training-articles/no-excuses/

    Someone once told me, “Excuses are like armpits. They stink and everyone’s got them.” This is even more evident in the training and nutrition realm where excuses are used more than ellipticals at a commercial gym. You hear it all the time—I don’t have time, I don’t know what to do when I get there, I don’t like the gym atmosphere, I’m going on vacation and there isn’t anywhere to train. Really? Or do you just not want to do it because it requires a little effort?

    Once you reach a point when you realize you want to exercise, you’ll see that there aren’t any reasons as to why you can’t. In 30 minutes or less, you can finish a very worthwhile workout and have time to do what you were going to do like sit on the couch and watch Dancing with the Stars. In this article, I’ll explain why your excuses are just that—excuses—not reasons why you can’t workout at home, on the road, or anywhere without equipment.

    Of course, “no equipment” is a very relative term because many people forget that their best tool for training is their body weight. Alwyn Cosgrove has written about this in the past, and I think it’s worth repeating. Until you can use your body weight in a correct, efficient, and effective way as the resistance in your training, you have no place under a barbell. Knock out 20 push-ups and do 10 pull-ups before you get under a bar to bench press. The fact is for people who make excuses about training, 20 push-ups is almost an impossible feat, and doing split squats or just body weight lunges would put them out of commission for a week because working out the legs is a rare sight to see unless you know what you’re doing.

    The workouts are listed in the rest of the article.