help with weekends



  • neenaof4
    neenaof4 Posts: 41 Member
    I have the same problem on weekends. My hubby doesn't support me because he says I am fine the way I am - even though I'm at least 60 lbs overweight. I try to tell him that I want to feel better - but he doesn't get it. He needs to lose weight also but doesn't care. I tend to drink too much Diet Dr. Pepper and not enough water on the weekends, and because the hubby isn't invested with this, he doesn't like me to go work out. I also eat out of boredom which ends up being cookies, chips, candy, whatever I can find.
  • simplysassi
    simplysassi Posts: 138 Member
    "weak"ends are the worst for me. But I know this, and I plan for it. I use Friday morning as my weigh-in which helps me. I let myself go a little on the weekends knowing that come Monday I'm back at it full tilt. Not saying my advice is what you need to do but it works for me. I do make a point to get my healthy stuff in early in the day... water, fruits, veggies, exercise. That way I can live a little in the evenings. This is a lifestyle change so it's important to make changes that you can manage for the duration.

    And when you have a really "over-the-top" bad day, it's important to get over it, learn from it, and move on - then, back on track the next day.

    Good luck !
  • emacb123
    emacb123 Posts: 254 Member
    This is a good one!

    My weigh-in day is Friday just so I can keep it as far away from the weekends as possible. But if I have to weigh in on Saturday, I'll have to hold myself accountable for Friday night!

    edit: This was a response to the Sat AM wegh-in that I negected to quote.