Women 35+: What is Your Fitness Routine?

So, I'm almost at my weight goal, and my main concern now is to become more fit. Since starting MFP 6 months ago, I've been taking a twice-a-week Pilates class, which has been great. Other than that, though, my exercise has been kind of hit or miss. I need to develop more of a regular habit of exercise. I'm curious to hear from people on: how do you regularly integrate exercise into your life? And do you have a full-time job as well? Do you take regular classes, or work out on your own? The same time every day, or no? I have a job that allows me a lot of flexibility as to when I work, which you would think would mean it would be easy to get exercise in, but I need to develop a ROUTINE. I'm just curious to hear what other people's routines are.


  • karint74
    karint74 Posts: 131 Member
    I'm 48 and just reached my goal weight. I've been exercising like a fiend (burning 4-5,000 calories a week!) because I enjoy being able to eat like a normal person while still losing every week. Right now I'm bumping up my daily net calorie goal by 50-100 per week to gradually transition into maintenance.

    I work part-time at 4 different places. One of them, my main job, is 1.5 miles from home, so I walk to and from work 5 days a week. Two of the days, I have time to walk home for lunch, so I get 2 walks in. Weekly total: 21 miles, about 5 to 5.5 hours. Bonus: no parking hassle/expense, save on gas, traffic is irrelevant.

    I supplement this with workout DVDs I do at home before breakfast (4-5 days per week). I'll be able to do less of these, now that I'm at goal! I have about 35 DVDs I cycle through--I pick whatever fits my schedule and feels right. Sometimes 25 minutes, sometimes 45 or 60. I vary between moderate and high intensity, depending on how much recovery I need. All of these incorporate strength training, either combined with cardio or using body weight. It's not "heavy" lifting, but it's enough to tone everything and increase everyday strength and energy. Once a week, I take a Zumba class,which I can walk to directly from work, then walk home.

    When the weather's decent, I ride my bike to work and errands (not this time of the year!) Leaving the car at home whenever possible is the most painless way to add more exercise to your daily life, I've found. Of course, if I had a full-time job and/or kids it would be a lot more challenging to fit this in.
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    I work out 5-6 days week. M, T, Th & F I get up and run or do a DVD before work. Saturday I get up at 7am and start my long run before my kids are out of bed. Sunday is yoga day. I usually do strength training T and Th after my kids go to bed.

    ETA: I am 36. I work full time and have to children (3 & 7).
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    I'm 41. I have two kids in elementary school. I get up at 5:45 to workout at home. Right now I'm doing P90x; when I'm done with that, I want to start heavier lifting. I have a bench, rack and a whole bunch of free weights at home. After the kids get on the bus, I work M-F until 2 pm. If I have a lot of energy and feel like doing a second workout, I'll do some light cardio in the afternoon before the kids get home. Then it's homework, kids activities, dinner (I cook from scratch almost every night) and a little down time before bed. My hard workout has to be in the morning. There are too many other things going on in the afternoon and evening and I am not the kind of person that can work out at night after the kids go to bed. Heck, usually I go to bed an hour or so after they do. On the weekends, when the weather is good, we try to go on family hikes. In winter, I like to cross country ski on the golf course near my house when I have a couple hours free.
  • amykluver
    amykluver Posts: 184 Member
    I'm 35 (or 36.... literally have forgotten).. Anyway - I have 2 kids (4 & 1), work FT and am attending grad school.
    I am currently hit or miss w/ the holidays but usually do about 4 days a week for 20 min. I'm pretty much just maintaining. If I want to lose I up time to 30min or up the intensity and frequency (5 times a week or more).

    I work out first thing in the morning (6am) before kids are up or occasionally I'll get out at my lunch break (across the street from my office is a community center or I'll run on the near-by trail). Been struggling to do both lately as my best workout partner/coworker changed jobs so I don't have the accountability. :frown:

    I am a fair-weather runner - and will do outside running when 50 degrees F or higher. I usually do videos in cold weather like Turbo Fire HIIT, 30DS, or some others that are shorter.

    I also tend to get bored easily - and that's where the workout partner helped greatly as even if running bored me - knowing she wanted to back out and stay in - I pushed her AND I, to both get out regardless.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I try to hit the weight room 2x a week and I work with a trainer once a week.

    Weights weights weights. It's more important than ever once you hit your 30s.
  • toque88
    toque88 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm 42. I work out 5 days/week. A combination of strength conditioning and cardio. Works great.
  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    So, I'm almost at my weight goal, and my main concern now is to become more fit. Since starting MFP 6 months ago, I've been taking a twice-a-week Pilates class, which has been great. Other than that, though, my exercise has been kind of hit or miss. I need to develop more of a regular habit of exercise. I'm curious to hear from people on: how do you regularly integrate exercise into your life? And do you have a full-time job as well? Do you take regular classes, or work out on your own? The same time every day, or no? I have a job that allows me a lot of flexibility as to when I work, which you would think would mean it would be easy to get exercise in, but I need to develop a ROUTINE. I'm just curious to hear what other people's routines are.

    I'm 35 and I do 45 mins of cardio per day 6x a week and 40 mins of weights 6x a week - I'm in the best shape of my whole life.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    i'm 38, work fulltime M-F, no kids

    I work out 6 days a week, one rest day , usually thursdays
    1 day is straight cardio about 45 - 50 minutes usually mondays

    other 5 days consist of 10 minute warmup, then 30-60 minutes of strength training, free weights and circuit, I work shoulders, arms, legs, back alternating days,( about to start deadlifts) abs everyday then 20 -25 minutes cardio afterwards
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    SMASH weights 3x a week bout an hour
    walk or cardio 45 min to 60 min 2x a week
  • HeatherOberholtzer
    Well 8 months away from 35...but I have 4 kiddos (14,10,8 and 7) I have found the Beachbody (no I am not a spokesmen) workouts are best for me because I get a handy little chart that tells me exactly what to do...I have enough on my plate, I like that the workouts are already planned :)
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I will be 39 next month (for the first time lol, I expect I will turn 39 many times before I finally admit I am 45) and I work full time (well, more like 50-60hrs/week) and devote 20+ hrs a week to practicing and rehearsals (as a musician). My "routine" is running, 5 days a week-first thing in the morning (after coffee). I do a longer run on Saturdays, and about an hour or so the other four days. Running clears my head, calms me down, and generally helps keep me from responding very inappropriately to a myriad of frustrating people all day long. At this point, running just "is" for me-as much as going to work just "is". I may have slightly different internal motivation for running than some, but if it is something you want, you just fit it in-like anything else you want. If you don't want it, then you find any number of excuses for why it doesn't work-just like anything else you don't want.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    im 33 can i play?
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm 35, I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old and I work part time as a secondary school teacher.

    I have personal training once or twice a week (alternate weeks), go to the gym on my own for weights and cardio, and I do spinning, aerobics and zumba. In total I go 5 times a week. I've been doing this for the past 18 months, since my daughter was 8 weeks old, and I did this for the year after having my son and before getting pregnant with my daughter, I did it while pregnant with my son, and for the year before getting pregnant. I went to the gym irregularly for a bit before that, and went 5 times a week when I was 23-25 too.

    My husband works shifts so I fit my exercise round that, or I use the gym crèche, and on the days I work I go straight after work before picking my kids up from nursery. This week my husband is on late shift so i've been exercising in the morning. Next week he's on earlies and I want to do a spin class Mon morning so the kids will go in the crèche. I'm at work Wed and Thurs and will have PT after work Wed and do zumba after work Thurs. Fri I am off (I work every other Fri) and I'll have a PT session again. I do aerobics on a Sat morning as my husband is usually home - he works 1 Saturday in about 8.

    With my PT i do mainly weights now that I am getting closer to my goal. I used to do more of a mix of weights and cardio, but he says that I do enough cardio on my own.

    I walk a lot too with my kids.
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    I'm 35. I'm training for my first 5k race in March. I can now jog a full 5k.. so I'm working on speeds. Current workouts look something like this:
    Monday 30 min run w/ hubby
    Tues wii fit - biggest loser or jazzercise
    Wed 30 min run w/ hubby
    Thurs wii fit - biggest loser or jazzercise
    Fri 5k run w/ hubby.. at least 35 min. (current 5k time is 43 minutes)
    Sat.. what ever i have time for.. maybe a 30 min walk.. maybe jazzercise, maybe wii... maybe nothing.
    Sun rest day

    The biggest loser workout I'm doing is all body weight resistance, and is usually about 40 minutes or so + warmup/cooldown. The HRM says it is low intensity... but I know I'm working because I'm dripping by the end. I'll usually do this late morning, early afternoon

    Jazzercise, I usually go on circuit days which means extra weight work. I'm using 6 pound weights currently, but will need to upgrade soon, as they are starting to feel light. I prefer the 8am class.. any later and it cuts into my day at strange times.

    Running times does not include warmup/cooldown. I've discovered that I am a social runner so I go and run with my hubby. When he works from home we'll either go for our run at lunch time, or after the kids go to bed at night. I also have ADD tendencies... and am getting bored running for 30 minutes when I have to do it on my own. I enjoy it the time alone... but the self talk doesn't help me stay motivated. I'm going to need to switch up my workouts to see if I can do better when my hubby can't go with me. Maybe some speed work, or hills or something.

    edited to add timings
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I'm 36. SAHM, but both kids are in school most days except for my daughter's frequent doctor appointments. I'm doing P90X 6 days a week.
  • GymMum8
    GymMum8 Posts: 28
    I'm 35. Mum of 2, work ft and study pt.

    I weight train 6 days a week and cardio 3-4 times a week. Which is normally an early ( 5am) morning walk.

    I love it. Especially when I'm out lifting and training the young 18 year old girls at the gym ;-)

  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    So, I'm almost at my weight goal, and my main concern now is to become more fit. Since starting MFP 6 months ago, I've been taking a twice-a-week Pilates class, which has been great. Other than that, though, my exercise has been kind of hit or miss. I need to develop more of a regular habit of exercise. I'm curious to hear from people on: how do you regularly integrate exercise into your life? And do you have a full-time job as well? Do you take regular classes, or work out on your own? The same time every day, or no? I have a job that allows me a lot of flexibility as to when I work, which you would think would mean it would be easy to get exercise in, but I need to develop a ROUTINE. I'm just curious to hear what other people's routines are.

    integrating exercise has never been an issue for me . i enjoy it so i do it . my suggestion would be to get into a habit of going and dont allow yourself excuses to miss. even if you say you dont have time. put your clothes on and do something for 15 minutes

    i have a full time job and a full time social life. but i wouldnt consider continually skipping a workout same as i wouldnt consider continually skipping brushing my teeth or taking a shower, like i said it's a habit.

    i generally dont like classes so i work out on my own. the exception to that is crossfit. it's great being a class where everyone is focused on putting their all into a workout rather than other classes i've gone to where the instructor is half-arsed about it or chatting with people in the class.

    in general my routine involves 3 days of weight training (whether that be crossfit, strong lifts, or olympic lifts) and 203 days of cardio (running, walking, swimming, versaclimbing, rowing or stairmaster). i also have a day of stretching
  • Hoop4la
    Hoop4la Posts: 68 Member
    I am 51and I only started exercising around June. We had a team competition in work to increase our exercise levels (mine form level zero) and I have been doing it ever since.

    I make sure I do something every day. Even if I don't have time or I don't feel like it i MAKE myself do 10 minutes, which usually turns into more
    I walk every possible lunch time for about 45 minutes. In the summer I also go for a long walk evenings or better still i cycle about 25 km around 3 evenings a week
    In the winter I like to ski on the weekend, in the summer I go about 35km on my bike on eitehr saturday or sunday and i go for a walk and maybe a swim in the lake the other
    All this is outdoor , and i love the outdoors , but I am lucky, i have my own gym, so if it i raining I use that - mostly the treadmill

    I am not perfect - so of course I don't ALWAYS achieve this (sometimes life gets in the way) but this is my aim and i largely achieve it

    PS - my bike is an electric bike - i am 51 and live in a hilly area lol - but I got the type of motor that means I still have to work at it !
  • hmadrone
    hmadrone Posts: 129 Member
    I'll be 52 on Sunday.

    I do a full-body high-intensity super slow weight workout 2-3x a week, and Jazzercise 3-5 times a week, plus walking almost every day and trying to hit my husband's water aerobics class occasionally.
  • snaz77
    snaz77 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm about to turn 36 I weight train 3 days a week & do cardio 4-5 times a week :smile:

    I try & do something everyday although with the heat we are experiencing at the moment its not so appealing lol
