Motivating your Family

I don't know about anyone else but people in my family, and some of my friends are SO terribly hard to motivate. All they want to do is complain about how they need to lose weight, ignore the fact that they need to lose weight and be healthier overall or put you down for working out a bunch, eating healthier and being "too skinny".

First of all, I am not too skinny, in fact, for my height, I am the perfect BMI - thank you!

Mostly - I just want to know if anyone has any advice for how to motivate family and/or friends to get healthy. I know it has to be their choice/decision but people always want the quick fix. Not gonna happen!


  • mkcmurphy
    mkcmurphy Posts: 439 Member
    It comes down to the fact that they have to want it enough. Your concern and attempt at motivation can be seen as nagging, judgement, a mirror they're not ready to look at, etc. When they do want that healthy life enough, you will be a great resource that they can go to. You're a good person for caring!
  • gimmegimmemoar
    gimmegimmemoar Posts: 213 Member
    I asked my family if they wanted to do a biggest loser competition for this year :) (But I know I'll win anyway hehe)
  • AWESOME idea! I don't have much weight to lose so I will probably not win but hey at least it gets people moving!