Casual Juicing, raw foods & documentarties on nutrition

In the past few months my husband and I have started juicing again. We were using our old Jack Lalanne- so much that we decided to get more serious and so we did some research. (and have lots .. LOTS MORE to do) We just got the Omega 8006 for christmas (thanks amazon gold box sale!!) Its pricey - but so is our fast food when we added it up over a month or so - and decided to just go for it. I LOVE LOVE it, I can actually juice greens without wasting most of them!

Has anyone else jumped on board with juicing? I'm just drinking raw juices each day and trying to learn more about making good food choices. Right now we are at 1 juice a day - a couple times a week we will juice twice. Working toward 2x every day - but taking things as they come. We are moving towards a vegetarian diet - and cutting out most dairy.

Favorite books & resources
Green for Life - Victoria Boutenko
Wheatgrass - natures finest medicine

Netflix Instant has a TON of interesting documentaries on food and nutrition- i wonder if there are any out there i HAVENT seen.

I'm interested in where and what you're learning and hows it going for you?


  • mlkuper
    mlkuper Posts: 10
    I juice and blend with a nutribullet. I do it at least once per day, but often do it two. I'm trying to juice more and recently got the Jack LaLanne juicer but it's such a pain to clean. LOL: feel free to motivate me!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Interested in learning more about juicing :)
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    Have you seen fat, sick and nearly dead? Really interesting. Also their website has lots of good recipes
  • SandiJames2013
    My husband and I juice almost daily. After we watched Joe Cross' movie we just jumped in. I love it. I can't say I have lost weight because I still eat a good amount of junk, but I know I am getting needed nutrients and I feel good. We just played around until we found a mixture of vegetables and fruit that worked for us. Kale (and/or spinach), celery, cucumber, apple, beet, pineapple and watermelon, with ginger and sometimes lemon. Probably more fruit than recommended, but it works for us. I also add an emergen-C to it.
    Have fun!
  • candoit14
    candoit14 Posts: 19 Member
    So many juicers to pick from. I was looking at the nutribullet? Pros cons?
  • szirkle
    Well we are using the Vitamix and after using Jack Lalanne juicer and Ninja it is amazing. It is great, it keeps all of the parts of the fruits and veggies so you can get all the benefits. And it really makes it smooth so it isnt think and grainy and such. It can be costly but we got a refurbished one so we saved about $150. I am really trying to follow Eat to Live. It really focuses on eating fruits, veggies, beans, and nuts. I haven't been able to cut out all animal proteins yet. I also love dairy but am trying to limit myself to almond milk. This all is very tough for me and really trying to get some support.
  • MMSelig
    MMSelig Posts: 15 Member
    youre right - fat sick and nearly dead is a great film for anyone interested in juicing. Thats really what got us back to juicing - and its fun for us now. (a couple years ago when we juiced - i could barely finish a glass - I was being such a wimp)

    candoit14 - check out discount - That guy has lots of videos comparing what juicers do and pros and cons on tons of different types. if you can afford it - get a masticating juicer, best way to juice greens without wasting so much.

    szirkle - I am checking out eat to live too!