Colorado Springs MFP

Just wondering if there are anybody from my local area (Colorado Springs) that wanted to befriend each other on a journey of rediscovering oru former selves or a new self. I am 49 m currently at 281 (Started at 312 10 weeks ago), looking to loose an additional 61lbs to get to my first goal weight of 220 and then maybe more after that.


  • drakechic08
    drakechic08 Posts: 156 Member
    Im in Denver, but I'd be happy to be an accountability partner for you.
  • Rangarth
    Send a invite and I will accept. It is always good to have friends in the area to pass places to eat or exercise. Even Denver, I make trips up there several times a year.
  • tumblyweed
    tumblyweed Posts: 416 Member
  • aknelson04
    aknelson04 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I am in Colorado Springs. I am looking to lose 100 pds. We can motive each other!
  • ms_bri
    ms_bri Posts: 3
    I just started but need all the help I can get. Are you still using this program and need a buddy.
  • Kzoppa
    Kzoppa Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in the springs for a bit longer here and still looking to drop more weight before my husband gets home from his deployment. Anyone want to help motivate or challenge, send an invite! I know its tough and sometimes we just need someone who understands to vent to.