Breast feeding - extra calls?

Swal02 Posts: 29
edited January 8 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi all!
My friends got a 3 month old baby whom she breast feeds.
She wants to start losing some baby weight and is going to start calorie counting etc.
Wondering how many extra calories she should add on for it if any? I know on weight watchers you add extra points.

Thanks :)


  • It's approximately 500 calories a day while you are exclusively breast feeding (baby is getting no formula/solids).

    But everyone is different so she is going to have to experiment with what works for her. Just warn her that going too low can mess with her supply.
  • Christie0428
    Christie0428 Posts: 221 Member
    Good question. I am breastfeeding too. I have so much weight to loose I am not worrying about the extra calories needed... also my baby is over a year so less worried about the amount of milk now since she is eating food.
  • Swal02
    Swal02 Posts: 29
    Thank you!

    Sorry not three months, her baby is 8 weeks (had a few friends have babies lately, baby boom!). She' s purely breast feeding so would need top amount.
  • grantsmommy
    grantsmommy Posts: 29 Member
    I bf my son for 2 1/2 years and managed to lose weight while doing it. It is recommended that she eat an extra 500 calories a day, but it will all depend on her. I was able to eat between 1600-1700 calories a day and my supply did not diminish at all. Tell her to track her calories and see how her supply is.
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    500 calories is what I was told, BUT, also not to loose too fast as a lot of the toxins leaving your body will come out in your milk and can hurt baby. My dietician was pretty firm, no more than 1 kg a week.
  • Swal02
    Swal02 Posts: 29
    Thank you all :) I' 'll pass this on :)
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