A quick hello

Hello everyone, this is my second attempt at using MFP and this time I thought that using all of the tools at my disposal would be better for me. Before I only logged my food and exercise but never used the blog or the message boards so it was much easier for me to quit using it. This time I am going to use the blog and use the message boards both for support and to offer support.

All of the posts that I have read from others are so supportive and everyone seems very sincere and open that I am really looking forward to being a part of the MFP community.

Happy Monday to all.



  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Hi Jen, right there with you on round two. Stay motivated! I think the one thing I learned last time is that even when you count and diet, you still need the support of others.
  • NicholeTrussell
    NicholeTrussell Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Jen..welcome back...I am pretty new to the site as well...I LOVE the support and accountability...But better yet I love the honesty..we all screw up...the nice thing is that we get back up...dust off and keep moving forward...Good Luck!

  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    Welcome back to MFP. Feel free to add me as a friend if anyone would like to have some support, motivation, and accountability. Words cannot express the gratitude I have for my MFP friends.
  • NewChapter
    Thank you to all of you......it is a great motivator to have friends on this journey.