Having Fun Exercising, First Time Ever! (Just Dance)

I've been active off and on for my whole life. But no exercise has ever been as fun as Just Dance on my xbox. I know I look like a total dork, but my heart rate is up, I'm laughing and smiling the entire time and suddenly it's so easy to find the motivation to work out. My HRM gives me between 500 and 600 calories for an hour. But it really just feels like playing.

I was awful at Zumba and never enjoyed it. I have the Zumba Fitness Party game, and am less embarrassed to be awful in the privacy of my own home. But Just Dance doesn't take itself seriously, it's about moving your body and having fun, not looking cool :-)

If anyone is on the fence about using a kinect, wii or playstation move for dance fitness games you might really enjoy it. The programs are working far, far better for me than gym workouts and classes ever did.


  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    I love just dance! The first time I played I played for 2 hours lol so much fun!
  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    You just reminded me that I think I bought one for one of my daughters. Going to have to check that out.
  • I played that at a friend's house and you're right, it's a blast. I'm a minimal-to-no-fitness-equipment person, but I wish my friend lived closer so I could play that more often with her.
  • lovingrn
    lovingrn Posts: 27 Member
    I love Just Dance. I also have Just Dance Disney, which is a great way for me to get involved with the little ones at home:) My time is so limited, that I even feel guilty going to the gym sometimes.
  • lulukittie
    lulukittie Posts: 340 Member
    I just bought Just Dance 4 with an Amazon gift card and it is hilariously fun! I recommend it to anyone who enjoys music and moving around. I wasn't wearing my HRM (was just playing it w/ my son) but my heart rate definitely got up there. I also have Dance Central 2 (Kinect game) and it is a blast.