Cold Weather Running

I'm in Wisconsin. Running in 18-25 degree weather. The ground is half covered in snow and ice and I choose my running route by which sidewalk looks the cleanest. I run most of my runs in the dark after work. I feel like running on the snow and ice is similar to my dirt trail runs this summer. My pace is slowed down considerably, about a min per mile. You really need to watch your step and even shorten your stride so you don't slip and break your *kitten*.

I found wearing a pair of tight running pants with a looser pair of running pants over it was ideal. I also wear a long sleeved wicking shirt, with a light weight running jacket over that, and another Brooks nightlife running jacket over that. I wear my normal running socks and shoes, and a wide bandana over my forehead and ears Axl Rose style and a pair of knit gloves. I'm only running 3-5 miles at a shot. The thing I think I am missing is maybe something over my face or mouth on the windy days. But I would probably only want it for the first mile or so.

This is my first winter running so if anyone has any tips, gear, or advice they want to share that would mean a lot to me!


  • Steve_Runs
    Steve_Runs Posts: 443 Member
    This is why we are friends! You are a beast of a runner Dawn!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Awesome! Love Axl Rose lol.

    Best shirt ever is an Underarmour shirt with a neck you can pull up over your face with a mesh breathing in it. I live mine! I'm sure you can find a neck piece that does something similar rather than 1 attached to a shirt. Let me see if I can find the shirt for you.
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member

    so I can read feed back
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    I don't have any advice but wanted to say you are bad *kitten*! Love your attitude!
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    I am in Manitoba. My most loved running gear are my stablicers. Those stretchy cleat things for over your shoes. Best $25 dollars I ever spent because then I don't have to be as picky about what path I choose to run on. They keep me upright no matter how slick the road! Other than that it is all about your preference for clothing. I love my winter running tights and will wear them any chance I get and always have multiple layers on my hands so I can peel down and let them cool off without frezing on the super cold days. I guess that is all I have for ya. Have fun!
  • tamiesue2
    tamiesue2 Posts: 149 Member
    I live in Central Illinois and have been debating running but we have snow on the ground here, great to read a thread with wonderful tips and suggestions!!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I feel like such a wuss for not wanting to run when it was 34º and sunny a couple of days California. :tongue:
  • lbmore33
    lbmore33 Posts: 1,013 Member
    Dayum I just as mfp "Carson" a similar question earlier today.....I have the exact type clothing as you..tights/thermal top/shorts/gloves/hats...........I have a neck warmer that I can pull over my mouth and nose as I run....gets warm quickly so Im constantly moving it up and downs..........
  • lbmore33
    lbmore33 Posts: 1,013 Member
    I feel like such a wuss for not wanting to run when it was 34º and sunny a couple of days California. :tongue: lol

    I wearing tights @ that temp...while ppl around me rockn shorts...........(((not a chance)))......:laugh: :laugh:
  • waterwing
    waterwing Posts: 214 Member
    I have been running in Canada over the holidays and it's been getting increasingly snowier and colder and windier. One tip I've picked up is to have a headband that covers your ears and wear a hat (we call it a toque) over top.. Then when you feel like you're warming up you just take the hat off but still have covered ears. So much heat escapes through your head.. I've learned it's the best way to control my body temperature.
    The turtleneck idea sounds great too!
    Have fun running!
  • Oh man I love this thread!!! I was just about to post one for cold running tips.... I'm in Montana where we have been rocking 15 degrees the last couple of weeks. I am also doing about 4 miles per run, and am seeing a significantly lower average pace too..... I've heard that running in such cold weather can actually hurt your lungs, has anyone heard anything about this??
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,468 Member

    Thanks for the link to this shirt, I can't believe this a fitness website starred out the name of the sporting goods store D*cks. So if anyone is trying the link above you have to type that in where the **** are. This is the type of shirt I am looking for, maybe in a solid color. Thanks again!

  • Guess it's a bad word. Abbreviation of Richard (D*cks), that's the perfect turtleneck. TY for the link
  • SailerSiren13
    SailerSiren13 Posts: 51 Member
    Ok all of you up North flipping rock!!!! i get on the treadmill and stay inside anything under 40. i'm in fl and in my defense have lived in nothing but warm climates for 16 years.(we are Navy and my hubby hates winter) Seriously my kids have never seen snow except on tv. I bow to your dedication and greatness!! Thanks for the motivation. :bigsmile:
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    Dayum I just as mfp "Carson" a similar question earlier today.....I have the exact type clothing as you..tights/thermal top/shorts/gloves/hats...........I have a neck warmer that I can pull over my mouth and nose as I run....gets warm quickly so Im constantly moving it up and downs..........

    I have a neck warmer thingy, too. Love it for the really cold/windy days. I'm in Wisconsin as well and run in all sorts of weather. My best advice is dress like it's 20-30 degrees warmer than it actually is because that's what it will feel like when you get going and warmed up. And when it's really, really cold and really, really windy you can sometimes beg your spouse to drive you somewhere and drop you off so you can run home one direction with the wind at your back. :)
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,468 Member
    I am in Manitoba. My most loved running gear are my stablicers. Those stretchy cleat things for over your shoes. Best $25 dollars I ever spent because then I don't have to be as picky about what path I choose to run on. They keep me upright no matter how slick the road! Other than that it is all about your preference for clothing. I love my winter running tights and will wear them any chance I get and always have multiple layers on my hands so I can peel down and let them cool off without frezing on the super cold days. I guess that is all I have for ya. Have fun!

    Thanks for the advice, I am was looking at getting a pair of Yaktrax, but was a little worried how they would feel. Sounds like it would be money well spent in my neck of the woods.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    You pretty much have all my basics covered. I use my wind breaker style running jacket with layers underneath (one wicking and one or two warm depending on temp). I usually but wear tights, I have winter tights and a thicker warmer pair from the Running Room. I buy those cheap stretchy gloves to use unless its really cold.

    As for the road conditions - when I lived in the city and sidewalks were snow covered, I would head to residential neighborhoods, you know, the well lit areas (I often end up running at night too) with little traffic, slow speed zones and wide roads. The roads are usually clearer than the sidewalks were here. Now that I'm in the country, not sure what I will do.
  • JUP1T3R
    JUP1T3R Posts: 31
    The best advice I can give when running in the cold is to put a plastic or gortex fabric directly against your skin.. it will increase your body heat and help keep it in. I am from Oregon so I to know a bit about cold weather running. If you put like a snug windbreaker against you directly it helps cut down on layers. I personally can't run with a lot of clothing so less is better for me. I used to wear tight running pants with a pair of running shorts, a plastic windbreaker with a hood paired with a running top made for colder weather and a beanie over the windbreaker hood. when you get warmed up you just remove the hood to get the fresh air. hope this helps a little.
  • littlewhittles
    littlewhittles Posts: 402 Member
    Thanks for all the tips you've already included here. I want to do c25k but have been waiting for the snow and ice in Colorado to melt off. Might try it with these ideas.