Did I work out my legs too much today?

When I walk, they lock up and throw me off balance. Same thing happens if I go down stairs. I have to hold onto the rail or I'll fall.

I don't mind if I didn't. But I didn't know if it was unhealthy to be THAT weak.


  • SkinnyBeth4Life
    SkinnyBeth4Life Posts: 116 Member
    That's happened to be before. I get that way when I overdo it. Or, when I walk/run for a long distance. If you rub your major muscles, it goes away faster.
  • No no you're fine! I get like that when I do squats and lunges. It's good to push yourself but know your limits. It depends on what type of pain you are in. If it is sharp and hurts badly then yes you are over training and probably hurt yourself. But if its burning, which I think you will be for a few days, then its fine because of the lactic acid. If I were you just drink some gatorade or a sugary drink defenitely stretch tonight and in the morning. But no it is not unhealthy to be that weak your muscles are just shocked which is a good thing. :)
  • I had this happen to me when I haven't done legs for month and started going back into them. You're just tearing up the muscles and having them recover and rebuild. Doing legs tomorrow so I don't have to get that awful feeling again. I love the burn feeling not the painful feeling.
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    I am working my buttocks muscle to the max: gluteus, medius, maximus, minimus. My R hip bone aches at the same time the I can feel the burn on my gluteus muscle groups. I am currently doing ballet beautiful dvd with is compose of floor mat exercises with variations of alternating legs with lots of upward movement, butt blast is 30 minutes. Do you think I should take a break, once a week? I am shooting to do dvd for 30 days to see what results I can gain. I really want to work my buttocks muscles to have more definition as I realize i can not spot reduce. Your feedback is appreciated!
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Sounds like a normal post legs day to me. Unless you are in physical (you actually injured yourself) pain, I would just keep on truckin.

    It's probably DOMS
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    if you haven't worked legs for a while and really pushed the workout, then your nervous system is just in shock. If you go down the stairs and feel like you go limp then you're fine. the muscles will recover in a matter of days. the nervous system however will take a little longer.
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    When I started heavy lifting the first day afterward I was walking and exp the same thing. It didnt hurt at all it just kind of scared me since that had never happen before I was fine the next day :)
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    I get the same after a heavy lower body day and can have trouble standing up after sitting down for a while. If you're new to doing lower body weight training it's a bit of a strange (and painful) experience but you get used to it pretty quickly :)
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    Stretching after your workout will help to reduce this, and stretch again if you're sore later that day or the next. Stretching helps to break down the lactic acid build up in your muscles which is part of the pain you feel.
  • I always hit the bike the next day push all that acid out. Get a good stretch, protien and water. Congrats on an awesome leg workout.