looking for weight loss buddies

im looking for people to chat with to help motivate me to lose weight. a little about myself. im a 28 year old female from rockford illinois. its just me and my fiance of 13 years. highschool sweethearts who are getting married this october. my fiance had cancer and is now in remission. he is 6'1 and weighs nothing. hard to get support from him because he eats like a pig lol! we have no kids due to fertility issues. my weight might have had something to do with that. so we spoil our little min pin minnie!

i have totally let myself go the past couple years. it was one thing after another. we had a house that flooded. i worked difficult second shift hours for many years as a machinist. worked with guys who ordered out a lot and drank tons of mountain dew. then my fiance was a full time student and worked full time. so i ate alone a lot and did a lot of fast food. then he was fighting cancer and was doing chemo a lot on and off. i was working and trying to take care of a very sick person. so then again the bad food and fast food. i would have to drive 2 1/2 hours one way to go and see him in the hospital. so that was an easy excuse to chug the dew and eat out. now i find out i am type 2 diabetic and have high blood pressure. thats what i get!

the mans cancer is in remission! new year! new me! we plan on getting married the end of this year. i bought a dress a year ago and i really dont care for it anymore. so what better excuse then to lose a ton of weight so i have to buy another one? and not only that. if i stay on track i wouldnt need medications for my health problems! im just talking away! but im excited about this and have never been so determined to make these changes as i am now.

please add me if you want a person to chat with that will be real about the whole weight loss thing and is ready to make changes! thanks!
