Shedding for the Wedding

Hello :)

My name is Sarah and I am officially shedding for my wedding.

In June 2011 my friend and I decided it was time to make a lifestyle change. At the time I weighed 165 pounds at 5'6, 25 years old. My friend was getting married in Jamaica in March 2012 so we gave ourselves plenty of time to drop sound wieght and get fit for her wedding. I worked out hard and eat healthy, even becoming a member on myfitnesspal. When the time came to board our flight for Jamaica I was down to 142 lbs, 14% bodyfat, still 5'6 and 26 years old. I was super proud of myself.

While in Jamaica I knew I would inevitably gain weight. I came back from Jamaica 1 week later and weighed in at 146, not bad for all the eating and drinking I did. When I got back home I planned on getting right back into my workouts and continue my weight loss journey but it didnt quite happen as planned. It seemed like every week something would come up and I would have to skip a workout or we would have a girls night out and I would eat something I shouldnt. My motivation was gone! In May 2012 I decided to just enjoy my summer and relax a little. The one thing I didnt want was to get burnt out at the gym and begin to dread working out.

My birthday is in october, then my fiance's is in November, then Christmas and the New Year right after so needless to say, the last part of the year is always crazy busy, filled with celebrations, and not a lot of gym time. After my birthday I decided to maintain my weight which flucuated between 151-153 lbs. I told myself that after the new year I would gain my motivation back and get ready for my own wedding on August 10th, 2013.

Well the New Year is here and I am ready! I would love some friends to follow me and I will follow back as a source of constant motivation and accountability. I intent to track my food and exercise as much as possible, as well as update my status with my struggles that day or things I find to be motivational, or tips I have learned throughout this process.

Lately I have been reading a lot of the comments on these boards and there is so much false informatio and negativity! I want to be a source of motivation for young women and I want to help people who are going through this same journey with me.

PS- My fiance is AMAZING and I do owe my gym-loving attitude to him. He has always been supportive and pushes me to be the best I can be! I love him and cannot wait to marry him in AUGUST! I owe my previous weight loss to him and I know he will support me, inspire me, and push me in this new journey.

Currently, I am 27, still 5'6, and 152.7 lbs. I will be weighing in every Friday morning :)


  • ENluv12
    I am trying to slim down for my wedding, too. I just got engaged in December and we don't have a date picked out, but I know it will take a while to lose the 30 lbs I need to. I am starting now, and would love someone to help be a positive and motivating force, and would love to return the favor! Let me know if you're interested!
  • clairekeogh42
    clairekeogh42 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi there, I just got engaged on Christmas day in a year that I lost 18 kilos. I have another 16kg to go before the wedding in February 2014. Feel free to add me, I log my food and exercise every day, even on holidays.
  • Superstar_81
    Superstar_81 Posts: 88 Member
    Hello :) Great post!!

    Im getting married in July, and like you I lost my motivation in the last part of the year...suddenly had a panic on today thinking its exactly 6 months till I get married and I really need to get into gear LOL!
    As of tomorrow, the gym will be welcoming me back with open arms haha!!

    We can do this - lets kick *kitten* for 2013! :)
  • drgnflys
    Hi Sarah,

    I'm the mother of the bride and I need to lose too. I'm 5'7" and weigh 158lbs, my first goal is 145 I would love to be down to 130-135 but at my age I'm not sure it will look good.

    What is your target weight? I dont think I saw it in your post.
  • westcoastchic
    westcoastchic Posts: 22 Member
    Oh me too!!

    I just got engaged on Christmas day and 2012 was the year I seem to let everything slide! I injured myself in May and have been basically stopped all exercise since then !!! :noway:

    Not sure of the wedding date exactly but I know it will be this spring/summer.

    I am weighing in at about 154 and looking to lose 15-20 pounds by then. I'm actually just about to head off to the gym. We can do this !!!
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Just my $0.02.
    Losing weight for an event seems rather short sited. There is no shortage of stories of people losing weight for some special event and then gaining it all back and more afterward.
    Over the course of a couple decades my weight doubled from 155 to 310. So far I am half way to my goal with a sustainable target weight and doing what I believe I can sustain once I get there. I avoid using the word "diet" because that assumes a process that ends upon achieving a goal. But my goal this time is to achieve and maintain a healthy fit condition.
    When I realized I weighed more than my wife and I did combined when we met, it was really time for a change. Quick fixes weren't going to do it.
    Just something to consider.

    Congrats on your coming wedding. :drinker:
  • VTSarah07
    Thanks ladies! I have added you :) Here is to all the brides and MOBs of 2013! Lets do this :)

    My goal weight is probably around 125-130 but I will reassess once I hit 140. I dont know exactly what I will look like. I am not so much fixated on a number, just want to look fit and toned. I realize that everyone looks different at different weights due to muscle so that is why I set my tracker at 125 but I will adjust once I am closer to that goal. I would like to be in the range of 12-14% bodyfat by August though.

    fishgutzy, I realize that losing weight for an event is a short term goal, however, short term goals also keep the morale of the team up, as well as the motivation. "Fit for life" seems a little broad and a big undertaking. Right now, my goal is to look and feel a particular way by August. After I reach that goal I will set my next. :) The small steps add up and before you know it, 6 months and 20 lbs have melted away. If I told myself I need to lose 25 lbs by August that is hard to swallow. Instead, this week I told myself to lose 1 lb. I can do that! And in 25 weeks, what do you know, I may just reach my goal :)
  • ENluv12
    I completely agree. I think, at least for me, that the wedding provides to motivation that you need to get started and maintain your goals. Like you said, once you reach them you can change something. Maybe why you are doing it, or what your new goal may be. You have already come so far, keep it up!
  • debb524
    All of these Weddings are so exciting!

    I am getting married in August, standing up in a wedding on a beach in Cozumel in March, have at least 3 family weddings to attend between the two and my future husband is standing up in a wedding in September. I am going to have a busy 2013.

    I really want to look my best for the amazing upcoming year and could use the support.

    I have been on myfitnesspal for a while but have had a hard time connecting with people.
    How do you guys find motivational support?
  • SkinnyBeth4Life
    SkinnyBeth4Life Posts: 116 Member
    Hi I'm Beth and I'm currently shedding for my wedding in September! I've been going to some gym classes and trying to eat right. So far so good....though the holidays really put me back some. Add me if you'd like.
  • prettypincushion
    prettypincushion Posts: 16 Member
    I am also getting APRIL so I need to stop procrastinating and get to actually eating healthy and losing weight. I could definitely use some motivation since my fiance has also gained weight but he is happy with his weight now since he was previously underweight. I would really like to lost like 30lbs but realistically since I only have about 15 weeks til the wedding is to lose hopefully at least 20lbs. Add me if you would like.
  • AmmeJayne2
    Hey everyone :) i am trying to lose weight for when i get married. not getting married till 2015 but i still have my baby fat from my kids so i think its a perfect time to start as it dont come off easy. i was wondering how are you losing the weight and what you doing. im a full time mummy atm so its hard for me to do some things. my kids are 1 and 2 so i can do somethings with them but my partner works full time so do not have a lot of time to myself to do things like exercise.

    Me and my mum have come up with the i need to lose at least a stone before i go having a look at some wedding dresses, i need to lose the weight on my belly and top of my arm and the top of my back.

    Any ideas?

    Thankss x
  • DefinatelyDead
    Im hopefully getting married in November. Was supposed to be married Oct last year but Eliza came along on the day we'd planned so was a good job we changed our date. I really want to look good for it. Not only have I weight loss but skin/acne problems all over my body so help on either would be great from new friends. I try to be active with my 3 year old but she is just TOO active from morning til night. So now im doing an hour a day of either zumba or dance as well as walking (Loads of hills here so its not easy). My Other half has said Im allowed to lose 3-4 stone as 6 is just not doable in the time I have.

    Holly x
  • jennylee813
    jennylee813 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey OP, we're wedding date twins!

    I took quite the blow to my ego yesterday and had to reassess everything, and learned that I'm further away from my goal than I thought. So I spent the night researching and reevaluating, and am ready to go again! I'm looking at losing 25lbs between now and my wedding. I'd like to have it gone long before and be into maintaining by then, but my weight loss has been a slow pace.

    I agree that having a goal provides motivation, and am making this a lifestyle change, but it's nice to have a deadline in mind!
  • emr0034
    emr0034 Posts: 50 Member
    I am also losing weight for a wedding, my boyfriends brother is getting married in March and I want to remember that day as me feeling confident instead of yucky like I always feel at special events. Feel free to add me :)
  • Allie_Rayann
    I'm shedding for my wedding, too! We are having a summer wedding and I really want to lose about 20 pounds.
  • pinamarie07
    Im with all you ladies! Loosing weight for my wedding oct 11th 2013!! but id like to loose as much weight as i can before this oct when i plan on looking for a wedding dress. By no means is this just about looking amazing for my wedding still looking at the bigger picture here. A heailthier and happier me =]. Feel free to add me! Helps that we all have the same goals and wishes for eachother! Congrats to everyone!
  • megodfre
    megodfre Posts: 3 Member
    Me too! My dress is scheduled to arrive later this month. It was ordered two sizes smaller than my first dress (long story...hated it, got a new one, measurements were one size smaller than previous dress so I got a new one an extra size smaller). My goal is to require it to be taken in. I have an amazing city-run rec center with personal trainers on staff, so I've been going there and hired one if their trainers. One month in, and I've lost 4% body fat and 5.5". YAY!!!!! Our wedding is "whenever" - after I get the dress, we're just kinda hopping on a plane somewhere with a beach and doing something on a beach, but it sounds like we're trying for later February. Again, YAY!!!
  • LeahRandom
    LeahRandom Posts: 34 Member
    Losing weight for an event seems a perfect reason to me. It has been just the motivation I needed, and it seems more concrete, and in a sense, is like an extra reward. My hope is, and I assume this is true for others, that I will create a habit that will last past my goal event, and I will continue to maintain exercising to maintain my new better health.
    Shedding for my "second" wedding : ) I got unlegally married to my wife in 2006, and this year we decided to throw a party with shortened vows now that gay marriage is legal. My goal is to fit into my original wedding dress, by April. I can squeeze into it, but can't zip it up, and I am looking into having it dyed, which of course, will shrink it. I joined a gym, and it's going good so far.
    I have injury issues, runners knee (actually from a bad clutch in my last car), tendonitis and ankle problems. I've been happy to discover that I can do more at the gym than I could at home, and am looking forward to meeting with a trainer and physical therapist.
  • KChristie976
    KChristie976 Posts: 150 Member
    I would love to be added as well. I am planning on getting married in Aug 2013 and these next few months I would really like to loose as much as I can before going to get my wedding dress. I would love to have some new friends with a similar goal.