Hello from Michigan. Looking for fitness pals.

My name is Tammy. I'm 41 years olds. Will be turning 42 the beginning of Feb. I am five foot four and 300 pounds. I'm mom to 4. (an angel above, 19, 14 and 11) Married to since Oct. 16 of 1999 to Tim. He is an over the road truck driver. My oldest son, Zack is in his second year of college. I cried when he left and got his own place near campus. James (14) is my jumping bean. He will be doing hurdles in track this year. Brooklynne (11) is the sweet and sour patch kid.LOL! Did I ever have that much attitude? My angel above is Brittany. She was stillborn as a result of a car accident (91) I was in when I was 7 months pregnant.
My step dad passed away of cancer (2 years this April) On his death bed, he told me I needed to get my weight under control cause when u r obese you are at higher risk for certain cancers. I had lost 74 pounds.
But I let the stress of handling things turn to food controlling me, when my dad was killed in an animal attack.Will be 2 years in May.
Handling his death and the estate and everything brings out the best in families. NOT!! Besides losing my dad I lost my 2 brothers when they did not get their way with the handling of the estate.They decided not to have anything to do with me and my family. I don't think it is that hard to understand that the estate has to be deal with things certain ways (legally) not how they want it dealt with.
In the last year, I have realized that I'm alot stronger than I give myself credit for. Now I just need to show it when it comes to eating and exercising. I need to not over stress myself by thinking...OMG, I need to lose half of my body weight. To bad you can't get fit and tone just watching exercise dvds.
If you are looking for a fitness pal to help "walk" with you on the path to a healthy life, please add me.


  • Nancy_hc
    Nancy_hc Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome Tammy! Best of luck on your weight loss journey!
  • jbnelson98
    jbnelson98 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Tammy,
    I am also from michigan and am in the same boat as you weight wise. I wish you the best of luck on your journey!
  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    :flowerforyou: sorry you have been through so much! i would love to give support & encouragement with you. i have sent a friend request.
  • albertha
    albertha Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Tammy

    Your story really touched my heart; and you are right you can't allow external issues to determine what you are going to do about your over health; it sounds as if you allow these factors the center or focus of your life; but really spirituality, and your health should take center stage and in that order; really your kid are all grown, your husband spends a great deal of time away from home i would imagine this a great time in your life, take control of it; give yourself something to love when you look in the mirror; please don't do it for your husband or your kids or your grand father; do it for you; they should only be beneficiaries by default; finally please don't think about how your are going to start just do it ; don't think about it do it; if you start walking one block today, try two tomorrow, its up to you just start please; oh and your brothers, its sad but its true the age in which we live sadly our family and friends can quickly chose things that are incapable of showing love and affection, there is a great lack of natural affection;

    I live in the Nassau, Bahamas, i have taken a break for about a year to complete my studies; but am back on track; please i would love to hear from you. TAMMY YOU CAN DO THIS
  • anirishgal
    hi tammy!

    read you post. I am new here and need to lose about half my current weight too. I have tried to do this over and over on my own over the last few years. I have lost 50, only to let life derail me and regain it all, lost 80 pounds the following year and regained. Last year I lost 55 pounds and my teenage daughter needed a spinal fusion which was quite an ordeal Once again I regained everything I lost. Needless to say, I am an emotional eater and have been in survival mode for the last 7- 8 years. I want to start living again. I have come here for support and to cheer on others . I am in this for the long haul.
  • LynnA62M
    Hi Tammy, my best to you! Yoiu can add me as well.
  • HeidiMuszall
    HeidiMuszall Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in Ferndale, feel free to add me.
  • SpiritRockBernie
    Feel free to add me and anyone else that reads this. Born and raised in michigan. I live in Sterling Heights.