"healthy" Alchoholic drinks

slay0r Posts: 669 Member
Hey guys,

I'm finding recently that I'm being dragged out a LOT with my new set of friends. Although it's great for the social side I always find myself drinking with them, yeah I know it's a choice but it's difficult sometimes not to (birthday drinks, celebrations etc etc) Plus I go to music festivals and end up drinking there.

My question is what's the "healthiest" drinks I can have? Obviously beer is out of the window, I've not had a pint for ages :( I've been going down the Rum n Diet coke route but I can imagine even that isn't great (White rum)

Any ideas? I know straight shots won't be as bad but I'll end up having even more then because they last about a second :p


  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    um healthy? Don't you mean low calorie??? ; )

    Okay here's some info....

    (in 25ml measures approximate calorie estimates as follows)
    Vodka - 55
    White Rum - 55
    Malibu - 50
    Pimms - 40
    Whiskey 60-70
    Gin - 55

    Then add some diet soda or soda water mixers and your laughing!

    I don't really drink beer but I know Guinness is around 105 per half pint.

    Dry white or red wine comes in at around 120cals for 125ml.
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    Red wine is supposed to be good for you, but to be honest if you're going out you can easily track the calories before you go and then know what you've got the calorie allowance for.

    But what I find is good when I dont want to get into the argument of 'I'm not drinking because....' is to have a couple of glasses of wine or a beer then announce I'm having Gin & Tonic, then I only buy tonic, no one needs know different. Same would work for your rum & coke, just get diet coke instead.

    Ultimately though I work on the theory that losing weight needs to fit into my lifestyle and that generally includes an alcoholic beverage or 3.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    vodka and diet coke (zero carbs)
  • Tofuheart
    Tofuheart Posts: 191 Member
    I like tanqueray gin with diet tonic water and lots of fresh lime. Its around 80 calories from the research Ive done.
  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    Vodka with soda water or diet coke/diet lemonade.

    Ask for a single in large glass with a lot of mixer, also check that the bar man isn't giving you full fat coke with extra soda rather that diet.

    Stay away from larger/beer.

    Vodka is also strong so you will still get merry.

    When you get the munchies get a large chicken kebab with tomatoes/salad, onions no mayo don't eat the pitta bread. It will hit the spot and provided protein.
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    Hah I did exactly that with the munchies last night but I ate the naan bread, I'm on a bulk at the minute so I'm on 3000 calories a day anyway, it's more getting it to fit into my macro's in terms of sugar etc, some of the drinks you can get like vodka redbull it's scary how much sugar is in it.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    malibu is lower than vodka? Really?

    I've always avoided Malibu because it's so sweet. Will have to look into this, I much prefer it to Vodka!
  • shantipenn
    i struggle even more as cant have any drinks with fizz in them and juices are so calorific. the malibu will b lower calories cos its lower alcohol content and according to secret eaters its a misconception that the cals in drinks comes from the sugar. it is the actual acohol. apparently anyway :)
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    I am partial to vodka, soda water and fresh squeezed lemon - very refreshing and low in cal. Also try malibu rum and soda water, tastes like cream soda with very few cals.
  • jenism
    jenism Posts: 31 Member
    I've recently discovered flavoured vodka + water. My bf thinks it is disgusting but I like it.
  • itstimetoeat
    itstimetoeat Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks for this post! I really needed it for my short outing tonight. Want to stay within the acceptable damage window! I'll try the vodka, soda water, and fresh squeeze lemon!

    Was going to just do straight shots to avoid carbs or excess calorie intake but I'll give myself some options.

    Anyone know how many ounces is in 1 shot?
  • JobasIsaacs
    JobasIsaacs Posts: 26 Member
    Probably not what the OP wants to hear but I find that alcohol has an impact of slowing my metabolism for about 24 hours afterwards. So it "costs" me more than just the calorie count of the drinks themselves.
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    oxymoron. just be smart about how much you drink and how often.
  • thooks0614
    thooks0614 Posts: 68 Member
  • cgfol1
    cgfol1 Posts: 179 Member
    I drink white wine - dry varieties have approx 100 calories give or take per serve

    Otherwise I am big on vodka, soda and lime or vodka, tonic and lime
  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    healthy and alcohol is an oxymoron, sorry. If you want to know the lowest calorie count then stick to vodka and tonic, its almost zero calories.
  • Celuwen
    Celuwen Posts: 80 Member
    I like this site: http://getdrunknotfat.com/

    ETA: Doh, already mentioned. Should have refreshed the thread before posting. :)
  • Libi_at
    Probably not what the OP wants to hear but I find that alcohol has an impact of slowing my metabolism for about 24 hours afterwards. So it "costs" me more than just the calorie count of the drinks themselves.

    Additionally, consuming larger amounts of alcohol will lower your testosterone levels - so making it even more difficult to bulk up.

    I personally see "bulking up" as an perfectly acceptable reason for not drinking (or not drinking more than a glass or two occasionally)
  • eagle1elitepro
    eagle1elitepro Posts: 5 Member
    Hey guys,

    I'm finding recently that I'm being dragged out a LOT with my new set of friends. Although it's great for the social side I always find myself drinking with them, yeah I know it's a choice but it's difficult sometimes not to (birthday drinks, celebrations etc etc) Plus I go to music festivals and end up drinking there.

    My question is what's the "healthiest" drinks I can have? Obviously beer is out of the window, I've not had a pint for ages :( I've been going down the Rum n Diet coke route but I can imagine even that isn't great (White rum)

    Any ideas? I know straight shots won't be as bad but I'll end up having even more then because they last about a second :p

    Yes i agree there is no healthy cocktail drink . well The tannins in red wine has been proven with pre/post MI's but you dont look like your ready to have a heart attack soon so i assume your asking us which cocktail drink is low cal...
    Many people here say vodka and soda water (not tonic) which is approx 100 calories for a 1.5oz drink..
    many bars will pour a 3-4 oz cocktail which then makes it into the 250-300 calories cocktail.
    a lite beer is approx 100 cal.. and you can baby it for a good 30 mins ( as you work the room socially).. an actual 1.5oz vodka drink will go down with in 3 mins with me!!.. so the light beer may be your best bet..
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member