Newbie :)

Hey there :)
I'm Jeanne, and I've only just joined here but I'm really excited to be a part of this great community. I'm looking for motivation to lose weight and increase my fitness - in a month and a half I'm starting university and I'd be keen to shed a few kilograms and be ready for any challenges university life has to offer. I've been semi-dieting in the past month, but I'm lacking motivation - especially when I get run down from work. I don't know if this is the right place to ask (please let me know if there is some other topic) but I'd really love a pen pal to communicate with in regards to health, fitness and weightloss. I'd really appreciate the extra support and encouragement and I'm more than willing to return it. Thanks guys!
Jeanne xx


  • laura195360
    laura195360 Posts: 6 Member
    HI JEANNE I Just joined this site and like u i have no motivation. i hate to admit that, but it' a start. i have lots of weigh to lose, and want to do it for my granddkids. to see them grow up:) Good luck on your program. would lve o hear from u.
  • Hey Laura! Great to hear from you - Maybe we can motivate each other :) I've officially started my weightloss/fitness program today - and I'm determined not to slip :P One day at a time! I admire your reasons for getting healthier - Good luck with everything :)
  • laura195360
    laura195360 Posts: 6 Member
    HI JEAnnie. i've been reading your posts and your doing a great job. i have been trying to eat right.. key word here is trying. my motivation still suck . i have to give my self an A + in drinking water and not soda though:)
  • Water is so good for you - I struggle with drinking it though - I can barely manage to gulp down half a cup at a time, but I'm getting there! I think it's fantastic that you're ditching the soda though - it will be working wonders for you, as you'll see soon :)
    Start off slow and you'll get there!! :) Slow progress is better than no progress :P
  • thickgirl25
    thickgirl25 Posts: 36 Member
    You have come to a great place for motivation. This site is awesome. It has really helped me lose wait and stay motivated, even when I've wanted to give up a few times. I hope this site works for you too :)
  • sozisfitnow
    sozisfitnow Posts: 209 Member
    Hi am Newbie myself! I found being weighed in the gym motivating ha ha !:sad:
  • Thanks guys! I have found it very motivational so far. Everyone is lovely and encouraging :)
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    you can add me I have found this site very helpful and I only started a week ago