Never diagnosed as "sugar issues" but

So, I just have a general inquiry to all of MFP in hopes some may be able to steer me in the right direction.

I have my calorie count set up at 1200 calories a day. I am 5'.25" tall, weigh 164.8 lb. I have a medium to large bone structure. (IDK if that matters to you? lol) I was in the best shape of my life somewhere between 108-120 lbs at varying degrees of muscle weight during that time.

I generally can survive off of 1200 calories a day, but I think I may have some sort of a sugar issue.

I get lethargic, no energy whatsoever...Shakey, light headed, etc.

So, when this happens, I start to eat every 2-3 hours.

So, I do know how to correct it. Except that when I work out, it seems like for the rest of the day/night, I feel that way more consistently. EVEN if I eat back my calories.

I typically eat low carb because I am carb sensitive...or my *kitten* is sensitive to a way that as soon as I eat anything not complex, my *kitten* get's all sensitive and holds onto it. Really, though, it is my midsection that grabs it and grows and bloats and all that jazz, when I eat dairy, and white carbs.

I would open my food diary for you, but I have not been consistently logging lately...just started back up.

But, for instance, today, I hit almost 2000 calories!! But I am really hungry, haven't done a workout, am shaky, have a headache, and foggy brain.

Today I had oatmeal from McD's, Med NF SG Vanilla latte with extra shot of espresso (McD's).
Spinach dip made from greek yogurt (3 tablespoons, maybe)
Tortilla chips (14)
3 strawberries
A footlong spicy italian sub from subway (1120 calories-BOOM! Last time I log AFTER eating)
and about 1-2 ounces of chicken breast with like maybe a half tblspoon of BBQsauce..

***I do typically try and eat smaller meals through out the day by the way...But, I am also curious as to why something that has 1120 calories -that sub- doesn't have more "stick" to it when it comes to providing me with energy? Isn't that what calories is all about?*** AND, since I feel this way, but have hit almost 2000 calories, should I eat something still? And if so, any healthy suggestions?

I am on my 6th glass of water, will have had 6-7 by the time I fall asleep-which I am hoping is relatively soon.

I feel like my body goes through sugars and carbs in foods really fast, can't use what all it is given when it is given to it and stores it...and then later, doesn't pull from the fat stores for it (idk if it even can at that point, once converted to fat?)

If I have a cup of fruit twice a day (typical of me, try before 2 pm) should I space those 2 cups like through out the day?

Any carb/sugars, should I break them up more through out the day or something? I am getting frustrated with my lack of energy, and the headaches.

Sorry, this is MUCH longer than I had intended. If anyone is still reading, thank you! lol


  • Hi Janelle,

    To me if you ate all that food including the sub and still felt lightheaded and shaky that's a sign that something isn't right and you perhaps need to see your doctor?

    Another comment I would make is your fruit intake, for me personnally I find fruit actually makes me hungrier and If I have it as a snack I find I do burn through it quite quickly and am starving even shaky/lightheaded late arvo (especially as I train after work)
    I find protein snacks more beneficial, keeps me fuller for longer and actually keeps away the sugar cravings

    Good luck I'll be interested in what other people have to say!
  • Seems to me like you may need to be eating more protein... add an egg to breakfast, greek yogurt or some turkey slices to lunch perhaps. Also, if you're eating smaller meals more frequently, you may actually want to go back to 3 "regular" sized meals per day, eating a little more each time, with small snacks in between. I just recently read an article in Health (or Natural Health?) that made that suggestion (even though the fad is smaller meals). But also, you may want to get your blood sugar tested...
    Good luck!
  • Annaduurai
    Annaduurai Posts: 56 Member
    Go to your doctor and have him test you for insulin resistance or diabetes. I had the same issues and found out I was diabetic. Don't want to scare you, but don't wait go find out. At least your already on track wanting to lose weight you will need to go low carbs but you will feel so much better.
  • Celuwen
    Celuwen Posts: 80 Member
    The first couple of weeks of eating better, I felt shaky and light-headed so I had my blood sugar (plus liver/kidney functions) tested and they were fine. My doctor said it was likely that my body was just adjusting to the dietary changes*. (I did cut out a huge amount of processed sugars all in one go) I found having a light snack every couple of hours helped me settle into things, I tended to have 10gs of peanuts and a bit of fruit. When I felt better, I slowly cut back on the fruit to replace some of it with veggies. I still have the peanuts as I've found them a wonderfully filling snack.

    I would suggest you get your blood sugars checked if you haven't done so, because it is something you should rule out. Good luck with it all.

    (*He obviously wanted me to come back if it didn't settle down after a while)