Fruit & Veggie 1-Day Challenge-Saturday Jan 4, 2013

:flowerforyou: Does your weight loss need a kick in the you-know-what? Mine does!! Would you like to learn to like fresh fruits and veggies? I do!! How many of us are queens of mindless eating? Can you use some support and good ideas? Me too!!

We all know that "fresh fruits and vegetables" are good for us. But what are we doing about it?

Here is how the challenge works:
-EAT vegetables and fruit at every meal and snack time for the day.
-SUBSTITUTE the starch / meat / dairy food portion in a meal with Fresh Vegetables (where possible)
-Have only a (fresh) fruit or vegetables for snacks
-Drink 8oz of water and no alcohol

-Use common sense - Retrain your senses !!

(If you can't do a whole day, do one meal)

YOU decide to be in! YOU benefit!
1. Post if you are in and what you are going to do.
2. Report back how you did at the end of the day or – better yet - the next morning!

:heart: Rebel Renny
Location: Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
p.s. I am posting this early on Friday Evening for our "down-under" friends, so everyone who is interested can participate.


  • Cjoseph03
    Cjoseph03 Posts: 107 Member
    I'm in on this but for me it will be Saturday Jan 5th (currently 10:29pm on 1/4/13). I just got back from the store from buying some veggies because I need to up it. I think if anyone has an interesting recipe to please share that as well. I do great with whole grain breads/rice and fruit...but I need to learn new ways to incorporate veggies into my diet. I bought carrots, celery, lettuce and fresh spinach. I also have russet potatoes (looking forward to some baked potatoes with some light butter only tomorrow!).
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I'm in on this but for me it will be Saturday Jan 5th (currently 10:29pm on 1/4/13). I just got back from the store from buying some veggies because I need to up it. I think if anyone has an interesting recipe to please share that as well. I do great with whole grain breads/rice and fruit...but I need to learn new ways to incorporate veggies into my diet. I bought carrots, celery, lettuce and fresh spinach. I also have russet potatoes (looking forward to some baked potatoes with some light butter only tomorrow!).

    Sorry....this should read, January 5th!!! lol. oh wow. what a good start to a Saturday:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • mouth5667
    I'm in! Went to the store tonight and loaded up on brocolli, cauliflower, sugar snap peas, apples and bananas. I'm ready!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I am in. Having a slim fast and a banana for breakfast. A salad for lunch, yes will have croutons but only 6 pieces fo them (yes I count them out haha). And then going to do 2 veggies with the tilapia for dinner instead of potatoes.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hi all I'll give this a try.

    But today breakfast I already had a tst with a fried egg.

    But snack fruit. Then i'm a making a pot of vegetarian spaghetti sauce to have on spaghetti squash for lunch and supper.
    I had a vegetable day planned anyhow. So if I can by pass breakfast I'll be fine.

    So on to cut up vegetables.

    Linda C
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    I'm in but will have to do it tomorrow...took ds to airport at 4am and already have had toooo many carbs...:sad: thanks for posting
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    I'm going to give this a try. To be honest, it looks like what I already do for the most jpart. But who knows? I'm hoping to at least get some good ideas.

    Michele in NC
  • rcolours7
    to Cingram03

    spinach lettuce w/some apples or pears thinly sliced, add some nuts if you have those on had & use a raspberry walnut vinegrette dressing. can also add some feta or blue cheese or gorganzola cheese - super yummy

    cleery w/peanut butter or cream cheese sticks

    bake some carrots (baby carrots or cut the carrots) & potatoes in w/some chicken, chicken broth & litpon garlic & herb seasoning packet

    i have a butternut squash & apples recipe too if u want that. PM me
  • amandaepope
    I'm in! Had a greek yogurt for breakfast but I'm up for veggies and water the rest of the day! Think i'll have raw only.
  • x_ItNeverEnds_x
    Sounds like a wonderful challenge. I already had oatmeal today so I'll see what I can do about the rest of the day.
  • serryrona
    Just saw this will be doing this on Sunday January 6, 2012
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    I'll join in! I am only going to do all veggies for 1 meal and all snacks. Love some of the ideas already!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :smile: Good Morning from the West Coast! Love the participation already. I am starting off with a mushroom/veggie/snap pea/eggwhite omelette. A little salt and pepper and tumeric and it tastes delicious. It is about 100 calories.

    :flowerforyou: I will check back later!

    :heart: Renny
  • mouth5667
    So far so good. Breakfast was what I fondly refer to as breakfast crap. 1 egg mixed with whatever the refrigerator will donate. Today was: 1 egg with broccoli, onion, mushrooms, bell pepper, 1/2 of a leftover baked potato, and 1 ounce of ham. That was followed by a trip to our local farmers market (believe it or not we have an active FM here in southwest Missouri in January!) and picked up a few more fresh vegi's for later.
  • c0c0nn0r
    I'm in ..been doing pretty well with veggies today

    Breakfast: 1 egg & 2 egg whites scrambled w/onion & green peppers / clementine
    Lunch: Brown rice w/asparagus stir fry, garlic, onion / clementine

    Have a party tonight but really going to try and eat well.

  • ileen327
    I wanna try too!! First day here! Just joined . Had salmon for lunch but no veggie! will go get some celery . Am having greek salad for dinner with lots of veggies and greek chicken!
    Had some pineapple with my Smart ones breakfast! Great Idea!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Did a good job with this. Did two servings of veggies and a serving of fruit at dinner instead of the starch. And had fruit instead of chips alongside my sandwich at lunch.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,524 Member
    Missed it but its never too late, right? Breakfast was a Luna protein bar, lunch was a chicken sandwich, w/salad but alas also had a winter ale and half a bag of snap pea crisps. Will skip the evening wine and have tea, twig and fruit instead. Next week, honest!

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Ok I have almost missed all of Saturday on this but will apply it rest of day
    I do a lot of this already but can see areas to take it up a notch.

    Liz from idaho
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    For anyone thinking you missed it, you can take any other day and add your feedback on this page :flowerforyou: Some people find a weekday works better. For me, I struggle on the weekends, so this is a great way to keep me on a healthy path.

    :heart: Had grand baby visiting today, so just now getting back to checking in with you all. I had a huge salad for lunch with flax seed sprinkled in. For supper we had made 9 bean ragout in which we included butternut squash, onions, garlic, and tomatoes; I may still eat some more of that. For fruit, I ate blackberries, 2 mandarin oranges, a kiwi and blueberries. Had some pecan halves.

    Had no wine today:smile: Drank water :drinker: My diary is open in case anyone wants to see how that all added up. I don't log my water since that is not really an issue for me. I have not been exercising, and hope to add that in the near future.

    I will check back in in the morning!
