Low cal lunch ideas at work?



  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    I take my lunch to work almost every day. You don't always know what you are getting when you eat out. I will either take a sandwich with lean turkey(mustard, no mayo), some veggies (or a partial serving of chips) and some fruit. I will sometimes take a plate of dinner leftovers. Canned soup is a good option as well if you have a microwave, but watch the sodium. Frozen dinners are convenient but very processed and sodium loaded. I also spend my days at a desk so along with packing my lunch, I take my breakfast and snacks as well. My goal is to eat at my desk and exercise during my lunch break (it does not always work out as planned). My company has a gym so that helps, but I know others who walk during their lunch break (either the parking lot, around the building, or up and down the office stairs).
  • gimmegimmemoar
    gimmegimmemoar Posts: 213 Member
    What about a salad packed with yummy veggies? Very filling and clean! Just be sure not to put the dressing on ahead of time.. It will get gross!
  • mblewis13
    When my goal was to lose weight, I started eating Progresso Light soups for lunch. I think the chicken noodle, chicken dumpling and any of the vegetable light soups are good and filling. I would eat the entire contents of one can for lunch which is really two servings, but still only 140 - 160 calories for the entire contents. I would pair that with carrots sticks for something solid to crunch on and a piece of fruit. So easy to pack and bring to work! My other FAVORITE snack to bring to work (and have at home) is Boom Chicka Pop popcorn. One cup is only 35 calories. That totally curbed my appetite while at work. Now I am maintaining my weight and still choose the same options for my lunch at work, so easy to pack.
  • in4mer
    in4mer Posts: 4
    raw carrots. Lots of fibre. Keeps me full. Then top it up with an orange cause I think they help me with sugar cravings.
  • Emma_A
    Emma_A Posts: 14
    Thank you everyone for all the responses, I have to say the forums on here are brilliant (and the repsonses). Got heaps of great ideas, I think the problem is it's so easy to fall back into bad habits, but I have no excuse now!
    : D
  • rejordan
    rejordan Posts: 132 Member
    You know, since the sandwich lady is so nice, you may want to ask her if she'd make some veggie wraps or something low cal. She may suprize you by saying yes. Im sure others might be interested too and just never asked!
  • Emma_A
    Emma_A Posts: 14
    You know, since the sandwich lady is so nice, you may want to ask her if she'd make some veggie wraps or something low cal. She may suprize you by saying yes. Im sure others might be interested too and just never asked!

    That's a good idea, there's several of us girls in the office that are trying to lose a few pounds. I think I will ask her!