Bye Bye Babyfat.... for good!


I am a new member just join last week. Absolutely love the site and the tools. In fact I am stopping Weight Watchers online since it is so similiar for logging food and exercise. No disrespect to WW.... they are awesome and that is how I lost my baby fat from the last pregnancy. But with a baby and toddler, the meetings are not possible to get too. I am not losing with WW without the meetings (the face to face support is so wonderful) and I am not getting much out of ww online (just logging food and exercise which I can do here for free :happy: )

Well I am hoping some online friends will make up for the face to face support of the WW meetings. I want to lose about 48 lbs total. I know I wont be easy. Any new mom's out there?? How are you fitting in exercise and healthy meals????? Any advice or super quick recipes would be appreciated.

Can't wait to get to know you all!



  • sinman22807
    sinman22807 Posts: 66 Member
    Hello! Welcome!

    I am a mother of 2 as well. I have a 3 year old and a 10 month old. I am looking to lose about 30lbs. Trying to get down to 135lbs. I usually get my workout in in the morning before my 3 year old wakes up. My youngest and I are usually up around 730am. So we eat some breakfast ( I never exercise on an empty belly) I have a cup of coffee. Then I start my DVD the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels. (P.S. One of the most amazing DVD) Then My kids pretty much eat what I eat. For ex:

    Breakfast: Scrambled eggs and strawberries
    Lunch: They had hot dogs, I ate tuna and 2 slices of Sara Lee 45 Calorie Delight Bread
    Snack: Pop Corn and Strawberries.

    But mainly they eat what I eat. And I exercise when I can I do about 5 days a week in the AM and along with that if the weather permits I exercise by walking as well with both the kids. Doesn't burn to many calories, But it is extra exercise. And walking can help a lot with the lose fat. Just do little things and You will notice a lot! feel free to add me and message me whenever! I am a SAHM so I check in a lot during the day :)
  • mebras3775
    Hey. I am a mother of two. I have a 3 year old and a 2 year old. I keep myself active by going for walks with my kids and jogging. I dance and play catch with my kids. I do crunches and leg lifts. i do the fit to strip dvd by Carmen Electra and I usually do that when they nap. I am wanting to try the 30 day shred. i hear it really gives you results quick. My kids are picky eater so they eat what I eat to an extent. We eat the same lean meat but they will have pasta with dinner and i will have pita or rice cakes with my dinner along with veggies. For breakfast they eat eggs and such since I dont like eggs I eat cereal or special k cereal bar. I eat in moderation. Good luck and add me as a friend. I have some good recipes and information, all you have to do is ask.
  • brandywine19
    brandywine19 Posts: 1 Member
    I had my first child a little over a year ago and am finally almost at my goal weight. I have lost 20 pounds in a little over 3 months using this site and it's tools. I love the fact that I can log my calories on my iPhone as well, which makes it super easy to keep track of where I'm at in regards to calories consumed and burned even when we're out of the house. I was encouraged by a friend of mine to join a weight loss challenge that was taking place in our community. We met once a week for about an hour to talk about strategies to keep us on track and weigh-in (I've heard it's similar to Weight Watcher meetings). On top of taking care of my little guy and working as a full-time elementary school teacher I am also getting my master's and have weekly classes I attend. I really watch my calories and work out when I can. We usually walk around our neighborhood which is pretty hilly, and down at our state park. I also have an elliptical machine at home that I try to use for 20 minute stretches after my son goes to sleep or is napping. I have found it harder to work in more muscle building/toning exercises because it feels like I just don't have the time. I recently tried a program called Stroller Strides at my community park and it was a great workout! Unfortunately it runs during the morning on weekdays, so once spring break was over I'm kind of back at square one. A few friends and I have been thinking about putting together our own Stroller Strides-type group during the summer because the workouts were that great. Good luck with your weight loss!
  • HalloweenMom
    I just JOINED! Best wishes to me and to all of you - Needs new friends :)
  • trin03
    trin03 Posts: 12
    Hi I'm a new mom too! I have an almost 6 month old! some of the posts on here were very helpful already b/c I don't know when I can squeeze in the time for a workout! But I did lose weight before doing Curves and since I don't have one nearby I will just try to workout (also trying out the 30 day shred). I am sorta following the Curves diet that i did before.

    Breakfast: Scrambled eggs and a little shredded cheese
    Snack: fat free yogurt
    Lunch: Lean cuisine or salad w/some protein
    snack: string cheese and almonds
    dinner: will probably be protein and veggies!

    It really helped me to get the quick snacks in between eating that way I wasn't STARVING when it was time to eat and it curbs your appetite to eat more. oh! and don't forgot to drink lots of water throughout that day!! good luck!
  • ardaniels0417
    Hello! I have been on the website since 4/3, started my official diet 3/3. Just stumbled upon site, its awesome!! I have lost 10 lbs so far, and am very excited about it. I have two boys and am trying to get back to my pre kid body and also lose a couple extra pounds just for me. My goal is 30 pounds and I am on track so far. I just eat better. Im not a big fruit or veggie eater so I eat sandwiches on 100 calorie english muffins. I have found that the books "eat this not that" are really helpful while shooping and dining out. It shows you pix and tells you exactly what to buy and why. Sams club sells them cheap!!! Good luck with your mission, talk to you soon!!!
  • ocgirl66
    ocgirl66 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks everyone. Love the examples of your diet and exercise. Plan to purchase the Jillian Michaels DVD. I guess my challenge is that my toddler doesn't nap anymore (to my dismay!) Guess I will have to bite the bullet and just wake up early and get my exericse in. Has anyone tried Turbo Jam???