Acne Solutions?



  • RunningMs
    RunningMs Posts: 52 Member
    I have also had Acne for many years and have found that simple solutions work the best for me. Currently I am using a plain old bar of Dove soap and a toner for sensitive skin with a few drops of Tea Tree Oil added. For me this works better than most of the expensive face washes.
  • juliec33
    juliec33 Posts: 238 Member
    I'm 43 and have been seeing a derm since I was 12. I have horrible cystic acne-literally had a zit the size of a golf ball one time, OMG that really hurt!!!! i've been on Accutane and tried everything under the sun. I had worked my way through all the "cycline" and "mycin" antibiotics out there until I was on 1000mg of Augmentin daily. I got an infection while I was on the high dose of Augmentin and the doc almost had to give me IV antibiotics. That really scared me. Think and do research about the long term use them. Sometimes it's necessary but it can cause lots of problems. If you are on them please make sure you are taking a probiotic.

    I finally found a doctor who prescribed SPIRONOLACTONE. No more cystic acne. I've been cyst free for 4 years on it. Too much testosterone can cause cystic acne (main reason that teenagers and people on 'roids get horrible skin). Spironolactone controls high testosterone. Might be worth talking to you derm about. It's an off label use of the drug so not all docs will prescribe it but it is a proven drug for controlling acne.

    And I don't believe that diet is unrelated to breakouts. I get a zit or two when I eat too much sugar. I believe it's due to the inflammation that sugar causes.

    Good luck!!!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Anyone ever try african black soap?? I've read good things, considering trying. Any experience? (I'm caucasian, don't know if that makes a difference or not)
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Anyone ever try african black soap?? I've read good things, considering trying. Any experience? (I'm caucasian, don't know if that makes a difference or not)

    I tried a "black cleanser" before because it was one of the free things I could get with the points I collected from purchasing at Sephora. I didn't personally notice any difference with it (but again, I just get occasional blemishes and not acne). It made my nose feel a little weird (like it was hard for me to breathe). It was warm and that was kind of cool. It was an unusual and odd experience. Sorry, I don't know if it helps or not.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    Regular benzoyl peroxide is well tolerated by a lot of people, & is ok to use for long periods of time. It has an antibacterial effect. Anything over 5% is probably overkill, though.

    Salicylic acid (2%, in a neutral Ph), which is an exfoliant, is great too. Exfoliants work by preventing things from getting bunged up.

    I now use and love Epiduo/Tactuo to prevent hormonal stuff (along the jaw) that couldn't be dealt with by the above. It's an exfoliant with benzoyl peroxide. Stings the first month, but is gentler than Retin A. Regular facials (the painful kind) help too - my derm does them. Anything deepish that gets past the Epiduo gets a cortisone shot while I'm there.

    People who can't tolerate any retinoid (which btw means you need an effective, safe, non-comedogenic sunscreen, which is a challenge to find) often do ok with glycolic acid (another exfoliant).

    If the state of your face impacts your quality of life by even a medium amount, the right care can make a huge difference. I'm really happy with mine.

    (I think dermatologists who give their patients oral antibiotics to treat what is probably an anatomical/hormonal/lifelong issue are nuts.)
  • Update!

    I have been to to the derm since I made this post (and then forgot about it till now...) and he said a lot of it could be that my skin is extremely dry and when it's dry it almost makes the pores more clogged and can cause acne. He gave me a topical medicine called AcZone to calm things down. I am still taking Minocycline and Tazorac.

    From what I've read on this post, good ideas are
    - drink a lot of water
    - zinc supplement (i might just start taking a multivitamin, since i have a whole bottle of them that i never take)
    - eat a banana or two
    - eat healthy and not too much processed foods or added sugar
    - these are all basic principles of weight loss too, i just noticed

    Thank you everyone so much for your inputs!!
  • amez1974
    amez1974 Posts: 213 Member
    Anyone ever try african black soap?? I've read good things, considering trying. Any experience? (I'm caucasian, don't know if that makes a difference or not)

    yes--my sister uses it and recommended it to me. I had been using Proactiv and I'm very happy with the African Black Soap. I bought a lb of it off Amazon for like $11 and just cut chunk off to use. It looks super ugly, but it really works well. My 13 year old dd uses it as well and likes it too.
  • Cut a lime in half and rub the lime on a cotton swab. Then apply it to every pimple.
  • cut dairy out of your diet
    take vitiamin a and zinc supplements

    for face (morning and nights):

    get a paraben and alchohol free cleanser: basis is very cheap and effective
    after cleansing use an alchohol free toner: Thayers witch hazel toner with rose water does WONDERS
    afterwards use a moisturizor. Clinique is good.

    once a week:
    EXFOLIATE. Do this! (skip the toner she made if you wish) (remember the honey NEEDS to be organic.)

    Mask: Queen Helene's mint jelupe or aztec healing clay.
    mositruize, moisturize, moisturize

    drink LOTS of water. no carbonated drinks!!

    trust me I suffered acne forever. it sucks. Once I started this routine my skin has gotten SO much better.

    do you use foundation? USE MINERAL. bare minerals or pur minerals.
  • Cut a lime in half and rub the lime on a cotton swab. Then apply it to every pimple.
    DON'T. bad for skin!!!
  • jlwbeans0823
    jlwbeans0823 Posts: 178 Member
    I've suffered from acne for a majority of my life. I feel like I've tried every product out there. My skin has been so much better; though, I still have the occasional breakout. Here is what worked for me:

    -Drinking lots of water.
    -Using a gel based moisturizer. (Clinique)
    -Switching to mineral makeup. (Bare Escentuals, Pur Minerals)
    -Mario Badescu Drying Lotion for treating active breakouts.
    -Weekly clay masque application. (Arbonne)
    -Washing 1-2 times with Murad AHA/BHA Exfoliating Cleanser.
    -Treating dark spots and acne marks with Clinique Dark Spot Corrector.

    I think the biggest difference for me was adopting a vegetarian lifestyle, but these products certainly help and last a long time too! Good luck and I hope you find a regimen that works! :)
  • lilcupcake213
    lilcupcake213 Posts: 545 Member
    I used to use make-up removers and all the OTC fash washes but they didn't do anything for me. I actually wash my face with organic coconut oil and use it to take my make up off now. Always take your makeup off at night. Coconut oild makes my skin look and feel so nice. Also, I agree with everyone saying drink LOTS and LOTS of water. It makes a huge difference. Stay away from high fat/sugary foods and don't eat fried food. What you put in your mouth shows up on your face.
  • I didn't bother to read any of the other posts so I apologize if this is redundant... with that said - I had acne growing up and well through my 20's and up until recently (I'm 30 now) I believed in the harshest chemicals and soaps cuz I wanted my face CLEAN dang it! I was reluctant to use moisturizers and always willing to try a new astringent (the more drying the better, I thought). I have since learned that my skin was inflamed because of the things I was doing to it in my attempt to stop the acne (ironic). Now I realize that I have sensitive skin and I use the most gentle products to wash and moisturize as possible. I've been using CeraVe cleanser and neutrogena oil free moisturizer. I only wash my face in the morning and at night, and never use toners. I don't know if that will help your skin, but mine doesn't break out anymore. Once in a while I might get a tiny spot but I put a benzoyle peroxide spot treatment just on the spot and by the end of the day it's gone. Things to look for are "non-comedogenic" and "for sensitive skin" fragrance free stuff is always best.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    my solution is a little extreme for some people, however I had terrible acne the past 5 - 6 years, never got it until I was 33....cyctic, hurtful , acne, accutane worked for a short time, antibiotics don't work anymore, I was so discouraged, tried every wash, cream, etc....since quitting sugar, grains and dairy ( the Paleo diet) in October my acne is gone ...... I had some chocolates and crackers at Christmas, it flared up own fault ....back to my routine, its gone again.....I know its extreme for alot of people but its so worth it for me to have clear skin again
  • 00sarah
    00sarah Posts: 621 Member
    Cetaphil bar soap
    & Purpose if you wanna be able to wash eye makeup off as well