camy_chick Posts: 277 Member
So, here I am sick....JOY JOY! Well, I'm doing what I have found works for me. For me taking echineca(sp) pills, and drinking Vitaminwater(zero) helps.

I'm wondering what other home remedies do you have that work?

I am thinking of trying something i have read online about having onions around the house to absorb viruses and stuff like that. Read some people put slices in their socks when they sleep, I WONT DO THAT!

Have any of you tried the onion thing? Did it work for you?



  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    What works for me.

    Zinc. Be it zicam, wal-zer or any other generic version.
    Liquid B-12 with folic acid. Health food store best place to fine. Warrens Nutrition has it. Get the flavored kind, plain is just gross!
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
    My mom makes something she calls "Cold Cure Soup"

    It's just regular home-made chicken noodle soup (not canned, home-made. from scratch), but loaded with onions, garlic cloves, and hot peppers.

    Garlic enough to make you smell bad for a week.

    Hot peppers enough to make you sweat and cry for hours.

    She claims that the heat "sweats the sick out" while the chicken noodle is comforting and the garlic and onions are anti-bacterial and anti-viral.

    It's old witchy mom-science

    but I swear it works.
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    To be honest, I never take anything for colds. Headaches...well, unless its a screaming migraine, I usually just live with it.

    Generally, I just let a cold just work its way out of my system...but the key that gets me over a cold more quickly is a few early nights, hot showers or baths and not rushing about. Oh, and eating plenty when my appetite allows - nutrition feeds and heals. Above anything staying positive and laughing has helped me of late. Seriously. I''ve currently got a cold - started on Tuesday and this past few days my sinuses feel a hell of a lot better and my chest infection has already just about cleared up. Mainly because I've thought positively, laughed, yet taken things slower than normal and got plenty of rest. No medicines. I've had the headaches with it aswell. The positive I feel, the better my body feels. Mind over matter in my opinion. I used the same techniques just before xmas as I sensed I could go down with a cold....I didn't because I prevented it from spoiling my christmas with a big old dose of positivity. Nothing was gonna ruin my week before xmas. lol.

    Saying all that....that's just me. Everyone's different. I have to say, my mother in law swears by Chicken soup or home made casseroles though....and I do agree, they help loads.

    I'm one of those people that just doesn't take medicines etc unless I'm in really bad pain. I hate taking tablets etc.
  • Panna9406
    Panna9406 Posts: 92 Member
    eat honey....lots of honey;)
    for me it really works

    Get better soon! :flowerforyou:
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    I swear by vitamin D.

    My bestie swears by a disgusting thing she calls an "onion sandwich"... which is exactly what you think it is. Half a raw onion, couple cloves of garlic, sliced and on bread. Ugh.

    My option is far less gross.

    Not sure what part of you is sick but I also fully encourage saline sinus rinses too. Neti-pot is one, I use a squeeze bottle and it is amazing. It is also very dry where I live so a humidifier really helps too.

    Lots of fluids. Vicks on your feet, then socks on to go to bed.

    Feel better :)
  • MrsSandra
    MrsSandra Posts: 26 Member
    Drink 2 tbs straight apple cider vinegar at the first sign of a sore throat, followed by a taste of honey, just to get rid of the vinegar taste. Dont eat or drink for 1/2 hour. Do this each morning and night. It works to kill a sore throat. Iv done it for years. Trick is to do it at FIRST SIGN of sore throat.