Nike Fuel Band, is it accurate?



  • kabertrand63
    kabertrand63 Posts: 111 Member
    That's what I want, a bit more motivation. I'm a runner and do it 5-6 times a week, unless I'm traveling a lot for work. I think it's cool and I love my gadgets! I think for MFP getting add'l calories, you can log anything over your BMR. Otherwise, will be overstation exercise calories.
  • Lollyvoddy
    Lollyvoddy Posts: 194 Member
    I've ordered my fuelband, get it on Friday, as for the cycling, you can take it and strap it to your shoe laces and then you will get the motion you need to make it work.
    I think it will be a great motivator, also it looks so cool with the LED lights. lol
    I love gadgets...
    Does anyone have the Nike+Sportwatch gps? i'm looking into that also....

    I have the Nike+Sportwatch, and HRM. It's my favourite thing ever.
  • shanmackie
    shanmackie Posts: 194 Member
    i can't imagine it'd be too accurate since it's just sitting on your wrist. i have a bodymedia armband and i feel like that's more accurate than the fitbit which i also have.
  • kabertrand63
    kabertrand63 Posts: 111 Member
    People that have it on different forums say it's pretty accurate. Of course, nothing is as accurate as an HRM. I have one of those too but don't want to wear a chest strap all the time.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    i can't imagine it'd be too accurate since it's just sitting on your wrist. i have a bodymedia armband and i feel like that's more accurate than the fitbit which i also have.
    Thinking of getting a BMF. What do you think of it.
  • kenduerden
    I know someone who has one and leaves it on his vibration platform when he is running low on points! Kinda defeats the point don't you think.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I know someone who has one and leaves it on his vibration platform when he is running low on points! Kinda defeats the point don't you think.

    That is an all new self-denial low! But kinda funny... there are several new bracelets/watches coming out in 2013... I think you have to figure out which one works best for you. For me, the nike fuel band does what I need it to do. If I was body building or a swimmer, I would get a device that worked during those activities and just wear the Nike fuel band when I wasn't doing those activities. It's just one tool that works for a lot of us who have to get in their exercise with 10 to 20 minute walks along with Yoga or similar.

    If you google Nike fuel band /jawbone ups/amigo there are some good comparative reveiws out on the WWW....
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I know someone who has one and leaves it on his vibration platform when he is running low on points! Kinda defeats the point don't you think.

    That is an all new self-denial low! But kinda funny... there are several new bracelets/watches coming out in 2013... I think you have to figure out which one works best for you. For me, the nike fuel band does what I need it to do. If I was body building or a swimmer, I would get a device that worked during those activities and just wear the Nike fuel band when I wasn't doing those activities. It's just one tool that works for a lot of us who have to get in their exercise with 10 to 20 minute walks along with Yoga or similar.

    If you google Nike fuel band /jawbone ups/amigo there are some good comparative reveiws out on the WWW....

    I read on a post from someone who has the new Basis that he wasn't impressed with it.
  • kabertrand63
    kabertrand63 Posts: 111 Member
    So...I couldn't WAIT to get my fuel band. I finally got it about a week ago and I was totally bored with it. I felt like the calories were way wrong and the steps were interesting but since I run, it didn't give me the motivation I was looking for. It also was kinda ugly wearing it at, I returned it.

    Looking at Amiigo or something else.
  • KellyNoblit
    Nike states that calories are calculated on movement, not basal or resting metabolic rate. I found that I was not even burning the equivalent of the recommended caloric intake, which makes sense... it is calculating movement. Resting/Basal metabolic rate is the amount of calories that you burn at rest... for example sitting on the couch all day. So, if MFP bases your caloric needs based solely on your resting or basal metabolic rate and Nike+ Fuelband does not use rmr or bmr and solely bases your caloric burn on movement, then it would seem that anything the Fuelband calculates would be entered as exercise. This does not mean that either is dead on accurate, but together they give you something to compare and measure.