I need a daily motivation partner.

I'm looking to meet someone (not as in a man...) who can help motivate me everyday? Sometimes I find it hard to even get out of bed, or for that matter, go to bed, at a decent time. I eat all the wrong foods, and I look at my weights/work out DVD thinking, "Oh, I'll do it tomorrow". I sit on the couch day to day, either eating a meal a day, or going out to the buffet and totally ruining any diet that I had worked up to at that point.

I need someone who is around my weight (200lbs), my age (21), with the same weight loss goal in mind (140-150lbs) and preferably female. Someone who has the same problem as myself. I propose facebook friendship, or maybe email 3-5 times a day, just to make sure we are doing our check ins/exercise everyday, or close to it. Feel free to send me a message if you would like.


  • My thoughts are that there are a lot of people who are looking for this - to have a motivational partner that they are in contact with on a daily basis to keep each other motivated, not only in exercise and weight loss, but also other areas such as writing. As such, I'm looking into the possibility of setting up a website that will connect people with common goals.