Long term friends wanted...



  • solly765
    solly765 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes, I need weight loss friends too - have a lot to loose and like to give and get support! This is my first time on this site, it's really helpful. Best of luck to everyone today!
  • nwood2691
    nwood2691 Posts: 20 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I joined this site about 3 days ago and am loving all the supportive people on here!! I am looking forward to sticking with it and meeting my goal of loosing 69 pounds, and would love to help you on your journey too!!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I am a 44yo full time working single mum, from Sydney Australia, I have 25kg (60lb) to lose and finally at a stage where I am ready to do it. I joined at the end of last month and have been logging my calories every day and my goal is to lose the 25kg excess weight by July this year, or at least next summer and NOT to starve myself and actually eat more, exercise moderately and keep up a lifestyle that I can maintain for the rest of my life.

    Please add me if you think we are compatible and leave a short message - thank you :)
  • Sanslosingit
    Sanslosingit Posts: 15 Member
    Hi! I have about 166 pounds to lose to make my goal. This year I'm hoping to lose between 60 and 70 pounds. I know it will be hard but I'm ready. Anyone who wants to add me feel free!
  • Yes,I'll join you. The more friends the better.
  • I'm new to this and looking to lose 60 pounds! Last year I did Weight Watchers and lost 20 pounds, then injured my back and fell off track. I ended up gaining back all 20 plus some. I need help staying motivated and would love to have people to hold me accountable!!! 2013 is the year for healthy choices and really falling in love with the gym and my body! I'm ready to make this change! Feel free to add me!
  • kotarah
    kotarah Posts: 25
    I'm here :) Please feel free to add me!
  • Hi! You can add me as well. I just signed up this evening so I haven't really even started yet. I need the support of others as well. I have great intentions but they only get you so far. I need the push to continue to strive for my goal. Good luck to all.
  • prettypincushion
    prettypincushion Posts: 16 Member
    I have about 30lbs to lose but I plan on staying on here so that I can maintain my weight once I hit my goal. You can add me if you'd like
  • Hi Everyone

    Feel free to add me. I'm back to logging after a big holiday/Christmas break. More friends, more ideas and more sharing :)


  • Hello! I want to lose about 70 lbs this year, in total I need to lose at least 120lbs. Feel free to add me. I am supportive and log in daily.
  • Hi, I too have much to lose (120...then I'll reassess and focus on composition). We can do this! Feel free to add me.
  • Friend me!
  • I just sent you a friend request and would like to invite anyone else to friend me as well. The biggest thing I have missing in my life right now is a support structure, which is why I joined this site. I don't want to do it on my own anymore...
  • you can add me if you want.
  • no onw has to do it on thier own, here for you !! if you want ?????
  • hi there, i would love to join you on this journey, i think having friends to chat to and motivation can only be a good thing
  • Hi!

    I also am looking to build my support network and meet some inspiring people! Feel free to add me and we can help each other out with our goals!

  • Slimat30
    Slimat30 Posts: 142
    I'm at goal but will be on mfp forever so will happily support you through your journey :) x
  • 4everchanged101
    4everchanged101 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm looking for friends as well. Add me :)